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Should poor people really have children?

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Yes, they should be allowed to have kids; but what can happen is that the parents get money to help them raise them. But it gets spent on wide screen TVs and not on swimming or spanish lessons.


They get free school meals, why not reduce benefits and give more freebies, but for everyone?


It sounds like a family member would be on yor mind-how else would you access such detail?Perhaps its you and you are confessing?

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I wonder how many post against 'the poor' are coming from working people who have no benefit, have thoughtfully had children they can afford and are struggling to make ends meet....


And how many are coming from people that begrudge anyone receiving money they don't get themselves.


Why don't we go the whole hog and make everyone infertile.

We could buy kids at Tesco, make the price high so the poor can't have em.


Or we could focus more on the importance of family and guidance instead of how many xboxs and tv's you can buy to keep the little tykes busy.


My family were poor. Working but poor.

I didn't get swimming lessons we used to swim in the canal (not recommended or useful as it turns out I still can't swim but I can walk across the bottom really fast) we had holidays on my Aunts farm. Working holidays!

It didn't make us into rogues or vandals it made us grateful and appreciative of the simple things.

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It sounds like a family member would be on yor mind-how else would you access such detail?Perhaps its you and you are confessing?


No, I am not confessing. My 10 year old daughter has recently started to live with me because her mother cannot cope.

Her mother did get lots of money in benefits, and even a free laptop for schoolwork, under Gordon Brown. But it didnt help her to cope. Not my daughter lives with me, I quallify for benefits of £400 per month, wow.


The benefits will help me to lower my working hours, but is it right to get so much? I got myself into this mess by not staying married, but it seems a that I am being rewarded with this money.

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I quallify for benefits of £400 per month, wow.


The benefits will help me to lower my working hours, but is it right to get so much? I got myself into this mess by not staying married, but it seems a that I am being rewarded with this money.


You could always refuse it..I mean we wouldn't like to see your conscience pricked.

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You could always refuse it..I mean we wouldn't like to see your conscience pricked.


Already got myself a new sofa :)


What about the alcoholic and the drug user, who are giving money by the state; and they just spend it making themselves more poorly.

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This seems to be rather simplistic and I am surprised anyone takes the idea seriously.If a person did become pregnant would they need an abortion to retain the right to benefits?This would upset many influential people.No its a silly idea.You have a thing about people living on council estates judging by your other posts-you seem to consider them ignorant and deserving your contempt.


Am just saying how it is!

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Already got myself a new sofa :)


What about the alcoholic and the drug user, who are giving money by the state; and they just spend it making themselves more poorly.

What about the functioning alcoholics and drug addicts in well paid jobs who slip under the radar because they never access services for abuse?


Are they allowed because they have plenty of money?

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No, I am not confessing. My 10 year old daughter has recently started to live with me because her mother cannot cope.

Her mother did get lots of money in benefits, and even a free laptop for schoolwork, under Gordon Brown. But it didnt help her to cope. Not my daughter lives with me, I quallify for benefits of £400 per month, wow.


The benefits will help me to lower my working hours, but is it right to get so much? I got myself into this mess by not staying married, but it seems a that I am being rewarded with this money.


The benefits exist to protect children and dependents from events such as marital breakdown.If you feel you have too much use it to save for daughters future eg college fees

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Am just saying how it is!


No, it's how you think it is because you've been fed a load of crap from the likes of the Daily Mail and some of the morons on these notice boards, who undoubtedly also get their rabid views from the same sources.

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