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Should poor people really have children?

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You make children sound like some sort of escalope


For some irresponsible parents its a good way of putting it. For many morons children is just a unfortunate consequence of their loose habits.


Bringing a child into the world should ALWAYS be something you plan, consider, think about. Its a responsibility you are going to have to deal with for 18,25,50 years. It is something that should be considered financially, domesticly and morally. Is your relationship stable enough? are you earning enough to care for a child? do you have the accommodation to care for a child? Are you mature and responsible enough in your mind to care for a child?


That's what should be going through everybody's head before they create.


If you are one of the few who have an unplanned pregnancy then you need make the decisons ASAP. you going to CHOOSE to keep this child and look after it properly as above or if you can't do so then what?


Unfortunatley for many in this society that never happens. Its bang bang behind a shop doorway and oops here pops out little Chardonnay. Never mind, the state will pick up the bill.


That has to stop. A cap would help with that. If you want to sit at home being nothing than a full time breading machine (which some people are becoming) then you need to be shocked into realising you are gonna have to fund it.


We are getting into a society where we are having second and third generations who have never worked! Mother has daughter very young and never works - state handouts. Fathers never work - state handouts. Teenage daughter then pops one out very young and ends up never working - state handouts.... on and on it goes.


Time to get it stopped. NOW.

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In that case I'll have a couple of kids and send you the bill. 200k should cover it. How'd you feel about that?


It doesn't work like that. And you know it. Healthcare and education will be paid for from taxation. Just continue paying your taxes and it'll be reet. Nurse will come to you to clean your bum.

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Absolutely true. yes it is a human right to have a child. You can have 10 if you so choose.


However, it is not a human right for a state to continually fund someone's breading habit. Therefore, IMO a cap child benefit to 2 children is a brilliant idea.


If you CHOOSE to have more children or you are silly enough not to use protection because you cant keep your legs closed, then that's your problem. You bread it. You pay for it.


Hows that sound? Everyone is happy then.


Declaration of

the Rights of the Child


Apparently it is when the parents can't. :o

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But how many people are doing what you describe? You seem insistent that it's a problem but where is your evidence? Just provide some. It can't be that difficult.


Are you being deliberately dim? or just trying to appear all liberal and cool?


There's generations of people popping out kids, who never work and the families never work. Anyone who has ever lived on council estates can atest to that.


Is that acceptable?

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For some irresponsible parents its a good way of putting it. For many morons children is just a unfortunate consequence of their loose habits.


Bringing a child into the world should ALWAYS be something you plan, consider, think about. Its a responsibility you are going to have to deal with for 18,25,50 years. It is something that should be considered financially, domesticly and morally. Is your relationship stable enough? are you earning enough to care for a child? do you have the accommodation to care for a child? Are you mature and responsible enough in your mind to care for a child?


That's what should be going through everybody's head before they create.


If you are one of the few who have an unplanned pregnancy then you need make the decisons ASAP. you going to CHOOSE to keep this child and look after it properly as above or if you can't do so then what?


Unfortunatley for many in this society that never happens. Its bang bang behind a shop doorway and opps here pops out little Chardonnay. Never mind, the state will pick up the bill.


That has to stop. A cap would help with that. If you want to sit at home being nothing than a full time breading machine (which some people are becoming) then you need to be shocked into realising you are gonna have to fund it.


We are getting into a society where we are having second and third generations who have never worked! Mother has daughter very young and never works - state handouts. Fathers never work - state handouts. Teenage daughter then pops one out very young and ends up never working - state handouts.... on and on it goes.


Time to get it stopped. NOW.


Nice rant but show us the evidence so we can assess it. If you can provide some evidence I might just decide this isn't just some silly idea you've got in your head that you can use to make yourself angry when you feel you need to get angry about something.

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It doesn't work like that. And you know it. Healthcare and education will be paid for from taxation. Just continue paying your taxes and it'll be reet. Nurse will come to you to clean your bum.


Of course it doesn't work like that. The principle is what matters. According to you we should pay for people being irresponsible or deliberately taking from the state. I disagree.

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So you're in a nice secure relationship, you get married and all is well with your world. You are comfortably well off and decide the time is right now to start your family. Two babies later and one of you's world comes crashing down when your other half decides to branch out and form a life with someone else.Oh dear, now what:?: Can't push the children back where they came from, can't afford to get a child minder, can't afford to live basically..... Can't get any money from the absent parent......but then, that could help solve some of the problems. Time they got a bit more serious with THAT aspect of things in my opinion......


Like most working people who have got responsibilities you put a plan in place.


You save a little, you get insurances/policies/cover in place which will assist with things when times are hard.


You consider your position before you choose to have children. Is my job secure?, what can I fall back on if things go wrong? Could my partner consider going to work instead and becoming the main earner for a while?....etc...etc...


Its all part of the responsibility you have when you choose to bring a life into the world.

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But how many people are doing what you describe? You seem insistent that it's a problem but where is your evidence? Just provide some. It can't be that difficult.


It must be really nice where you live if you don't come across the people being talked about.


---------- Post added 03-03-2013 at 13:28 ----------


For some irresponsible parents its a good way of putting it. For many morons children is just a unfortunate consequence of their loose habits.


Bringing a child into the world should ALWAYS be something you plan, consider, think about. Its a responsibility you are going to have to deal with for 18,25,50 years. It is something that should be considered financially, domesticly and morally. Is your relationship stable enough? are you earning enough to care for a child? do you have the accommodation to care for a child? Are you mature and responsible enough in your mind to care for a child?


That's what should be going through everybody's head before they create.


If you are one of the few who have an unplanned pregnancy then you need make the decisons ASAP. you going to CHOOSE to keep this child and look after it properly as above or if you can't do so then what?


Unfortunatley for many in this society that never happens. Its bang bang behind a shop doorway and opps here pops out little Chardonnay. Never mind, the state will pick up the bill.


That has to stop. A cap would help with that. If you want to sit at home being nothing than a full time breading machine (which some people are becoming) then you need to be shocked into realising you are gonna have to fund it.


We are getting into a society where we are having second and third generations who have never worked! Mother has daughter very young and never works - state handouts. Fathers never work - state handouts. Teenage daughter then pops one out very young and ends up never working - state handouts.... on and on it goes.


Time to get it stopped. NOW.


Well said.

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So you're in a nice secure relationship, you get married and all is well with your world. You are comfortably well off and decide the time is right now to start your family. Two babies later and one of you's world comes crashing down when your other half decides to branch out and form a life with someone else.Oh dear, now what:?: Can't push the children back where they came from, can't afford to get a child minder, can't afford to live basically..... Can't get any money from the absent parent......but then, that could help solve some of the problems. Time they got a bit more serious with THAT aspect of things in my opinion......


I agree. But this is a special case and people raping the state are taking provisions away from those like you mentioned, trully in need.


---------- Post added 03-03-2013 at 13:31 ----------


Likewise the UK has one of the worst cases of mass teenage pregnancies in Europe.


Big problem there - who picks up the bill?

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Of course it doesn't work like that. The principle is what matters. According to you we should pay for people being irresponsible. I disagree.


Ah, no. You've got it completely wrong.


We should all contribute to producing and nurturing the next generations. It's a good use of taxation. I don't doubt there are some irresponsible parents - not everybody is perfect and of course any welfare system will not be perfect either. Every welfare system creates perverse incentives in some way.


What I would like to see is evidence that the problem being discussed is a real problem in this country. Nobody can produce any evidence though. But imagine if they could and it turned out that 0.1% of benefit spend was wasted in this way then I would suggest that you should move on and worry about something else, accepting this as a rough edge to the benefits system of which there will be many.


Provide some evidence and let's discuss it.

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