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Wincobank WMC closing


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Went to pay my subs at the Hartley House club on Sunday, heard from someone that the Wincobank WMC is going to close is it true? I think I only went in once pity if it shuts suppose they'll be flats on the site.


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yes I've heard that too. don't go in much now but my dad still goes in religiously every Sunday....indeed he still calls it "going to church". He's distraught bless him as he has been a member since 1964 when we moved to the area. It was open last Sunday still. They had a meeting a couple of weeks ago and doesn't sound good and yes you are right no subs taken. Don't think it has been taking much £ for a while, but questions have to be asked as to why things have only come out of the woodwork over the last 2 weeks. I'm seeing my dad again Tuesday and give u an update...PS they need somewhere else for their fishing club !!!!!!!

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Yes, reckon Wincobank club will close in the next couple of weeks. Some land at the back (the old bowling green) has already been sold to a local builder, so i reckon the flats theory (on the whole site) might be a good one 3dogman. and yes wmc's are dying, but what do they expect....very little investment or modernisation leading to an ever ageing (and subsequently diminishing) customer base. plus long gone are the days when in return for a small annual fee you were rewarded with cheap ale (bitter £1.95 at Wincobank club currently).


So all in all it will be a sad day................wonder if they are having a final night to drink the pumps dry ????

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Working mens clubs have slowly been dying due to as everything else - change. Pubs are also not as busy as they used to be. People can find more to do with their time now due to the change in Sunday trading laws and a greater variety of entertainment being available than sitting in a dingy pub or club and going home stinking of smoke.


The sooner it goes the better IMHO it's just an eyesore.

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agreed dobby and anj......probably cheaper in other pubs in area now. Do feel sorry for the old uns that go in on a regular basis 9including my dad)......though I expect they will find another wmc watering hole (bellhouse perhaps). Regarding the issue of smoke in the pubs and clubs.....that might be for another thread perhaps.

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lived on Standon rd for nearly 20 year my dad too goes in t-club since 63 he's joined conny club(voted labour all his life)him and my brothers will be heartbroken,there's Foundry and Railway,don't know how much ale is in those though but life goes on.

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Been going in the Hartley House near on 40 years as a boy with my grandad and being member at 18. Over the years I suppose it's gone downhill a bit. When I payed my subs last Sunday I had a looked in the concert room and it looked a bit grotty. The beer is £1.70 a pint which is a bit steep when you compare it to the New Broom pub we go in, £1.30 a pint but some people would'nt pay 13p for a pint of Sam Smith's soveriegn. The old club should be ok as the Horseshoe has gone and the Sicey has closed down.

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