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Exploiting the gullible because one can

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Horsing around with meat is a joke, but the funniest part is that is a joke on most people, a bit like stealing sweets from children. BSE was another joke, like horsemeat, and not forgetting foot and mouth were all consumed by some. Farmers know their animals, and the first sign of something and its off to slaughter, before the vet sees it. It proves we do swallow anything, and all part of a bigger process.


The vegetarians laugh at the meat eaters, but let's not exclude them from the joke, as they have been munching away at GM crops for many years, which is not labelled, not necessary. The research on rats and other animals, fed on GM foods would serious choke them, but like the carnivores, just innocents, in the bigger picture.


It all started with deregulation, letting the market decide what is best, and this mantra is the guiding light in the Holy Grail of profit, and its side dish, bonuses. The end thus justifies the means, and who can argue with profit, job creation and the rest of the propaganda. So deregulation, and the dumbing down of regulation, and fortunately education allows people to swallow many things without knowing the consequences. Which again is the point.


So what foods can we really trust? Vegetables, well the flavour is what counts, heightened through pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides which defuse through the plant membrane into what we love to munch, although killing hungry insect lava.


Profit for the sake of profit is the chalice of the few, not you and me the dross. Criticism of the methods of profit, is sold as a sign of envy. I do envy those poisoners, and I like them laughing at me, as I contribute to their bonus culture, while standing outside the cathedral of Pure Greed. I love to prostrate myself so they just walk over me, some of course get it right and push me into the mud, where I am informed my type, serfs, crawled out of after the Black Death a few hundred years ago. They have decided its time to force us back into the filth we emerged from. Fortunately I am well back in this queue to abject poverty, those on pensions, needing care are being fleeced first, and the unemployed are tasting the delights of real poverty at last. They cannot all go to the food banks, where is the profit in that?


So let us rejoice in not seeing the bigger picture and watching the less fortunate tramp into forced work. Maybe its time again to criminalise poverty, which would solve so many social ills, and they could eat all the trash foods making sure it is fit for more prosperous folk like us. It gives the poor, ill, weak something to contribute to society, and do good at last.


Anyway I'm off to take sweets away from unsuspecting children, and maybe con some money out of their parents, through selling them rubbish of course. What do they know about anything?


Just a doodle of course

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erebus, do you produce your posts by feeding them in your first language into an automatic translator?


I am pretty good at decoding nonsense, but I really struggle with yours.


Just out of interest, what is your first language?

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