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Todays worker against yesteryears worker

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could they? IIRC early 80`s - time of strife and strike and high unemployment, if you had a job you held on to it





weak threads like this make me miss chem1st

i wonder if some on here could shed some light on their working life during the times you say, or were they all unemployed :loopy:


---------- Post added 03-03-2013 at 16:23 ----------


In 1983 unemployment stood at a record 3.2 million and there was very little job security for many.
a bit like today then with even less job security
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30 years ago the working man could walk out of one job and into another, most of these jobs gave job security and for the chance to better oneself. fast forward 30 years and what chance has the working man/woman got today?


30 years ago ? 1983 ? Things were great, jobs plentiful under thatcher ???


Blimey that's an about face if I ever I saw one !!

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ahh the good old loopy smilie - universal symbol of someone who has posted something without thinking it through and now needs to deflect attention from the failings of their thread


maybe early 50`s you could walk out of one job into another but I doubt it.

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you want to think yourself fortunate that before your mishap with your timekeeping you had a job for 3 years. what human rights do you think it would be against ?


This was 59/60 ......I don't really know which human rights to be honest but I'm sure these days, someone somewhere would be able to invent some.:)

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I started working there a week after I left school. I had been there 3 years when there was a tram/bus strike. I walked to work most mornings and they didn't mind if you were late then so long as you got there. When the strike was over it took a while to get back into the swing of things and just unfortunate that that particular week it went wrong big time. The clock could have been wrong for all I know but had to accept that they weren't.....I did get another job pretty quickly you're right about that but my point was, a total of 5 minutes?......in a week?......would anyone get away with that these days? I suspect it would be against my human rights these days.......



9 times out of 10 in a situation like yours, there is some other reason that they want rid (might not even be your fault e.g. over-manning) and they have got you on a technicality that cannot be argued against.

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Yes when you clocked in after 8.50 it came on in red.....then you had to take it to your supervisor who asked why you were late and then gave you a sort of verbal slap on the wrist. I got as I say, 3 in a week. Never any trouble before of any description and in fact was promoted from Junior to Sales Assistant at 17. It should have been 18. Just trying to make the point that although there might have been a few more jobs around then for folk to flit to and from, there was a much stricter regime to live by as well.

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Yes when you clocked in after 8.50 it came on in red.....then you had to take it to your supervisor who asked why you were late and then gave you a sort of verbal slap on the wrist. I got as I say, 3 in a week. Never any trouble before of any description and in fact was promoted from Junior to Sales Assistant at 17. It should have been 18. Just trying to make the point that although there might have been a few more jobs around then for folk to flit to and from, there was a much stricter regime to live by as well.
but do you think the working man is better off now than then ?ill give you an example part of our workforce is now made up of agency workers who are on zero contract hours. now to me this worker is not going to be given a chance when it comes to things like taking out a mortgage/etc .given he has no job security what chance does he have of the banks lending to him ? how many other workers are now working side by side with these temporary workers( he been here now 2 years) and the company still will not employ him :suspect:.
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but do you think the working man is better off now than then ?ill give you an example part of our workforce is now made up of agency workers who are on zero contract hours. now to me this worker is not going to be given a chance when it comes to things like taking out a mortgage/etc .given he has no job security what chance does he have of the banks lending to him ? how many other workers are now working side by side with these temporary workers( he been here now 2 years) and the company still will not employ him :suspect:.


has he tried to take out a mortgage?

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None at all. The sky is falling and we're all going to hell in a handcart.


Everything is dreadful and it's only going to get worse.


Happy now?


Back in those times quality is what you paid for and, what you got paid for . Now , it is quantity what is paid for and to hell with quality.

You only have to look at the manufacturing industries have done . They have upped sticks and moved to countries where they can manufacture at a pittance by paying slave labour prices and import them - with subsidised tax payers rates -at market prices in this country. And people are daft enough to pay for them . Take Dyson's for example . They make a name for themselves in this country . They move out to Tiwan, make the cleaners for next to nothing , import them back into this country and sell them at vastly inflated prices - just to satisfy their shareholders . People buy them just to say "oooo- I got a Dyson".

Look closer to home , during the steel strike . Hadfields , one of the pride of Sheffield steel works ,was promised by it's director that , if you continued to work through the strike your jobs would be secure .What happened ? As soon as the strike was over the shop was shut and moved to south wales , with the loss of the entire work force . Subsequently , the demise of the entire steel industry .

The tory's , under Thatcher , mounted a war on the unions and the working classes . They destroyed the only protection the working people had . The miners just the same .

Every manufacturing industry was treated with the same brutal contempt to the extent that we are left with only the service industries (paid a pittance )and a banking industry which is allowed to bleed the tax payer and the ordinary people dry.

Because of the attempt of the E.C. to clamp down on the industry and restrict the greed of the banking fraternity on on their immoral bonus payouts , cameron , with the aid of the liberals (watered down tory's ) , they are cry'ing their crocodile tears .Quite frankly , theyhave worked themselves into a corner which they find difficult to get out of . One thing you can be sure of is that , in their attempts they will make sure that their rats will not go down with the sinking ship .

Oh, I am not blaming the working man and woman of this country . They are the only one's with any real loyalty and commitment to this country , as has always been the case . It is the greedy money grabbing so and so's who will stab their own mother in the back for a penny. The working classes have always been manipulated and laughed at by the greedy minority - represented by the lava-tories.

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