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Todays worker against yesteryears worker

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The problem is Mike there is no working peoples political party who can lead us out of this mess.

The alternative was tried in Russia and Germany and failed miserably, the socialist party in the U.K. inafective and destroyed by the media, [controlled by the people in power ]


How right you are . At least the labour party of old represented and stood for the rights of the ordinary people . That is until Tony Blair and his sudo middle class tribe hi-jacked the labour party and totally undermined every thing which it stood for . That includes some of the more left wing socialists who were elected in the safe labour seats who sold their souls to the devil for their own future .

There are those who would plead that people wanted to get away from the Thatcher years and that what Blair offered them was the only way out .I would say " Bull **** ". The people wanted rid of the Thatcher so and so's and labour was what the were prepared to put back in .

The membership of the labour party , in their elated state, were so grateful to Blair ( not to the electorate ) , that they went along with everything he suggested to them , more so than anything , in scrapping " clause 5 " of the constitution , thereby ruining everything upon which the foundation of the representation of the working population was found .

The labour party was the the instrument of the trade union movement as representatives of the working classes in parliament . The middle classes , dangled by the puppeteers of the "system " were successful in removing any future resurgence of the working class movement in government .

Oh! There are those who would say that my views are are outdated and of an era that has long gone . I would respond by saying " What has your progressive ideals left us with " ? To understand the future you have to look at the history . It never changes .


---------- Post added 04-03-2013 at 18:00 ----------


sorry to hear of your position but theres 1000s like you in this country all in the same boat. wait while you get the comments about you should be lucky you got a job/and if other people can lower the prices why cant you. oh and not wanting to rub salt into the wounds of the building industry in this country wait while the romanians and bulgarians come in.:huh:

I recall that self same thing being said in the 50's by a man called Enoch Powell , after having said to the people of the commonwealth " Come and help your mother country to rebuild herself ." Then in the late 50's accusing them of taking our peoples jobs . When will people learn ? It is not them that ruin the prospects of our's or any other country . It is the blatant manipulation of financial markets - globally - which ruin the prospects of a country .

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How right you are . At least the labour party of old represented and stood for the rights of the ordinary people . That is until Tony Blair and his sudo middle class tribe hi-jacked the labour party and totally undermined every thing which it stood for . That includes some of the more left wing socialists who were elected in the safe labour seats who sold their souls to the devil for their own future .

There are those who would plead that people wanted to get away from the Thatcher years and that what Blair offered them was the only way out .I would say " Bull **** ". The people wanted rid of the Thatcher so and so's and labour was what the were prepared to put back in .

The membership of the labour party , in their elated state, were so grateful to Blair ( not to the electorate ) , that they went along with everything he suggested to them , more so than anything , in scrapping " clause 5 " of the constitution , thereby ruining everything upon which the foundation of the representation of the working population was found .

The labour party was the the instrument of the trade union movement as representatives of the working classes in parliament . The middle classes , dangled by the puppeteers of the "system " were successful in removing any future resurgence of the working class movement in government .

Oh! There are those who would say that my views are are outdated and of an era that has long gone . I would respond by saying " What has your progressive ideals left us with " ? To understand the future you have to look at the history . It never changes .


---------- Post added 04-03-2013 at 18:00 ----------


I recall that self same thing being said in the 50's by a man called Enoch Powell , after having said to the people of the commonwealth " Come and help your mother country to rebuild herself ." Then in the late 50's accusing them of taking our peoples jobs . When will people learn ? It is not them that ruin the prospects of our's or any other country . It is the blatant manipulation of financial markets - globally - which ruin the prospects of a country .

The peoples of the Commonwealth had an affinity with this country and fought along side us in two World wars.

The hoards of peoples now descending upon these shores from the very edge of Europe do not have any links whatsoever with us and are leaving there own often corrupt countries so as to take advantage of our welfare state .

A welfare state that has been built by the very workers who are now surplus to requirements,These job losses some times due to being undercut by the cheap labour from Eastern Europe.

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The peoples of the Commonwealth had an affinity with this country and fought along side us in two World wars.

The hoards of peoples now descending upon these shores from the very edge of Europe do not have any links whatsoever with us and are leaving there own often corrupt countries so as to take advantage of our welfare state .

A welfare state that has been built by the very workers who are now surplus to requirements,These job losses some times due to being undercut by the cheap labour from Eastern Europe.


I may be mistaken but I am sure you will remind me . Didn't those people " from the very edge of Europe " as you put it , fight along side the allies in those two wars ? I was always given to understand that , despite being over run and oppressed by the common tyrannical enemy , the freedom fighters in all of those countries worked tirelessly with the allied forces . I also understood from somewhere that there were even Polish air crews flew along side our own crews and subsequently ,established their own squadrons within the R.A.F.command .Could they not be partly responsible for the fact that we were able to remain a free country and enjoy the ideals of a welfare system established in 1948 ?

Please , don't forget that many of the established manufacturing , commercial , service and banking organisations have moved their premises and call centers out to other countries in order to exploit the cheap labour markets .

Please don't tell us that it is because of the trade unions , for many of them have moved out in the last 15-20 years , long after the demise of the unions under the Thatcher government .

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I may be mistaken but I am sure you will remind me . Didn't those people " from the very edge of Europe " as you put it , fight along side the allies in those two wars ? I was always given to understand that , despite being over run and oppressed by the common tyrannical enemy , the freedom fighters in all of those countries worked tirelessly with the allied forces . I also understood from somewhere that there were even Polish air crews flew along side our own crews and subsequently ,established their own squadrons within the R.A.F.command .Could they not be partly responsible for the fact that we were able to remain a free country and enjoy the ideals of a welfare system established in 1948 ?

Please , don't forget that many of the established manufacturing , commercial , service and banking organisations have moved their premises and call centers out to other countries in order to exploit the cheap labour markets .

Please don't tell us that it is because of the trade unions , for many of them have moved out in the last 15-20 years , long after the demise of the unions under the Thatcher government .

You are right of course, many people from Eastern Europe did fight against Germany.

But many did not!

Today in some of those Countries the far right are again on the rise as happened in Germany in the 1930's.

Even nearer to our shores in France and Spain at that time there where many who sided with Germany in the second World war.

Spain in particular had its own Fascist government .

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sorry to hear of your position but theres 1000s like you in this country all in the same boat. wait while you get the comments about you should be lucky you got a job/and if other people can lower the prices why cant you. oh and not wanting to rub salt into the wounds of the building industry in this country wait while the romanians and bulgarians come in.:huh:


To be frank I have had no work for nearly 3 mths, I signed for income based JSA and only get my NI paid. My wife earns @£800 a mth and because I am not working I can't claim Family/Child tax credits. To boot I went to a group information session at Job centre plus only to sit and be told of all the sanctions they can place on you if you don't comply with thier rules. The session ran over and I got a parking ticket for £50 which I don't have. I,m screwed.

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30 years ago the working man could walk out of one job and into another, most of these jobs gave job security and for the chance to better oneself. fast forward 30 years and what chance has the working man/woman got today?


I think your rose coloured specs are on here..in 1983 the unemployment level was at 11.4% ..it's at about 7.8% today... were you working in the 80's?

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30 years ago the working man could walk out of one job and into another, most of these jobs gave job security and for the chance to better oneself. fast forward 30 years and what chance has the working man/woman got today?


Herbert Humble couldn't do this, because he lived in the South West.

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30 years ago the working man could walk out of one job and into another, most of these jobs gave job security and for the chance to better oneself. fast forward 30 years and what chance has the working man/woman got today?


It's 30 years later, I'm not entirely sure how you could possibly expect everything to be exactly the same?

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Does anyone else remember 'work to rule' protests?


One step short of an actual strike, unions could order a 'work to rule' edict when every petty rule was obeyed. It glued up the working process to such an extent virtually no work could get done.


I can't help thinking that modern everyday working practices are all about rules, regulations and targets which have had a similar effect on work today. No one is allowed to use their own judgement or common sense, everything is micro-managed and all about protecting your back.


No wonder we're in the state we're in.

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To be frank I have had no work for nearly 3 mths, I signed for income based JSA and only get my NI paid. My wife earns @£800 a mth and because I am not working I can't claim Family/Child tax credits. To boot I went to a group information session at Job centre plus only to sit and be told of all the sanctions they can place on you if you don't comply with thier rules. The session ran over and I got a parking ticket for £50 which I don't have. I,m screwed.
have you tried looking here http://www.turn2us.entitledto.co.uk/default.aspx i hope this helps


---------- Post added 05-03-2013 at 16:59 ----------


It's 30 years later, I'm not entirely sure how you could possibly expect everything to be exactly the same?
yes you would have thought it would be better not worse
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