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What's up with plumbers?

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I've rung two plumbers regarding a job, it's a smallish job (I hope) one told me to ring him back in two weeks! Another one left a leaflet last night, rang him this morning, three different numbers, not answered any of them.


Why leave the bloomin leaflet if you're not going to answer the phone...


It's our loo, everytime it's flushed it's making a loud groaning sound, very annoying..:huh:

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A friend of mine once booked a plumber to look at his boiler. The guy didnt turn up when he said he would, so a few hours later my friend went out to the pub. 4 hours later he gets a call from the plumber outside his house saying he is there to look at the boiler. My mate told him he was 4+ hours late and he had gone out. Plumber then gave him an ear full of abuse, so he hung up on him.


This is why foreign workers are coming here. They are not stealing anyone's job, they are doing peoples jobs.

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