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Is imagination more important than Knowledge?

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What is your opinion on this do you think

Imagination is more important the Knowledge ? :)


This is an Albert Einstein quote, isn't it? I believe in this saying because knowledge has its own limitation, but the imagination, there isn't, it's endless because it only depends in yourself and mind. You can do whatever you wan't in your imagination even the impossible things that we know base from our knowledge, made possible by the use of imagination.

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Start with knowledge; you have a hard time persuading others to listen, and then they develop their own and overtake you.


Start with imagination; imagine a great new philosophical/relogious/political idea. Preach it, and all those without the knowledge to see what (male cattle product) it is will follow you, glorify you, and give you money, sex, and obedience.


So imagination wins!

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well gnvqsos i wouldn't think so on that as every one would have an answer if they know what they want in life :)


You cannot compare the two-one can be measured objectively the other is down to personal opinion,as imagination cannot be quantified.I am quite surprised you have persuaded so many people to respond.

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What is your opinion on this do you think

Imagination is more important the Knowledge ? :)


I imagine so, but I don't know.


It would depend on what you are doing at the time. If I was landing a Jumbo Jet then I reckon knowledge would be better than imagination. If I was in a pasionate encounter with my wife then imagination would win hands down.

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