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Cuts to welfare or trident ??

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Phillip Hammond thinks more cuts to welfare should take place instead of further cuts on his department.


I have always been on the opinion that we don't even need a missile which will cost billions more and not only that, who is he going to use it on ??...there is noone, just a complete waste of money in my eyes.


What do you think ??


More cuts to welfare or get rid of Trident instead??..


Ps..i wanted this as a poll instead but it dint work or I pressed wrong one, oh well..

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Definitely cut spending on Trident and other armaments first.


What surprises me is that they are upgrading Trident to make it better and more accurate. Just how accurate does a nuke need to be when it has a blast radius of several miles?


Its just another case of not spending peoples tax money on the people.

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We still haven't cut out waste as a way of saving money, before anything else is cut.


The government and councils still waste money hand over fist, a lot of it on vanity projects and self agrandisement. Should we really be subsidising the MPs food and drink in the Houses of Parliament for example? Or pay £300 per day expenses for every Lord? Why not cut a few top civil servant's pay by half so they're on £150,000 - still a lot more than the average working man.


Lets subject the MPs to a few cuts before we pick on anyone else...

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Has it been full explained what is so wrong with the current lot of nuclear gear?

Is it just out of date and not likely to work?

If so it needs to be replaced.


We don't need to spend money making them 'more accurate' or any of that rubbish.

Surely the deterrent is greater is everyone knows we make them big enough to blow stuff up even if they veer wildly off course :hihi:

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Scrap Trident but keep up the pretence to other countries that we have it.

It worked for Russia (almost):




Is it still necessary for a deterrent in this day and age?


How do you know they haven't already done that, maybe Trident can't be cut because it’s already been cut? :suspect:


But if it’s one or the other then a viable nuclear deterrent is more important than welfare.

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