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Become a Heart Runner and help us fight for every heartbeat

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Become a Heart Runner and help us fight for every heartbeat. Enter the Sheffield Half Marathon or Fun Run to have fun, get fit and save lives.


Heart disease is the UK’s single biggest killer. It kills one in six men and one in nine women. Nearly 800 people in Sheffield die from a heart attack annually.


The British Heart Foundation (BHF) invests in pioneering research, patient care and vital information. In Sheffield this includes over £2million in research projects, and further investment in defibrillator networks, Heartstart training schemes, community grants, heart support groups and specialist nurses.


When you become a Heart Runner, and register to take part in the Sheffield Half Marathon or Fun Run, you will receive support from our Heart Runners team and local volunteers every step of the way.


Register now and receive your free running top, and training and sponsorship tips.


Your family and friends are welcome to join our BHF cheering team in Don Valley Stadium for the start and then out on the route


If you are running for the British Heart Foundation we would like to profile your support. So, if you do have an interesting or heroic story you would like to share with us, please let us know when you register.


Thank you for registering for the Sheffield Half Marathon or Fun Run and helping the BHF fight for every heartbeat.


Register at http://www.bhf.org.uk/sheffieldhalf and http://www.sheffieldmarathon.com – to secure your place in the event and to support the BHF you need to register at both

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