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Anyone else making sacrifices?

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I agree, but what can these people do to save money when they still can't manage?
Learn a bit about basic home economics, if there is an identified need?


Napoleon best summed it up 200 years ago or thereabouts: "the horse, the saddle, the man".


Adopt (and stick to-) this approach for everyday living, and there should be no real issue of poverty (within the literal meaning of the term) in 2013 Britain, considering the (reported-) level of financial assistance available these days.


Pay to house/feed/clean/clothe the family and keep it warm.


Anything else comes after that, necessarily in decreasing order of importance/relevance to doing the above.


Oh, and stop watching TV. No worse 'tool' IMHO for perpetuating and cultivating the prevalent culture of unbridled consumerism and addling IQs.


We haven't made any sacrifice, we simply lived well within our means before the crisis, and have continued to do so since. Not penny-pinching, probably not changing insurance/phone/gas/banking/etc. providers as often as we should...but then again, with a much smaller mortage than we could afford (<3 multiple of my pay alone), and cars/appliances/hols/etc. only ever bought if we have the cash to do so, and never anything on the pump.

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We've cut down on meat. Cut down on alcohol. Got rid of subscription TV. Done some haggling with the electricity company to get the monthly direct debit down. Missed a couple of holidays. Not bought a new car - trying to keep existing 10 year one on the road as long as possible. Heating on as little as possible with thermostats set to 15C. I'm worried the company I work for could go under so not making any big purchases. House needs a bit doing to it - all deferred while we wait to see what happens. Never cut down like this before - if the economy was in better shape it'd be different but having only ever been out of work/higher education for 4 weeks in almost 30 years I'm not convinced picking up new roles is going to be easy in this climate. So saving as much as possible for when that rainy day comes. I think a lot of people are probably doing similar.


cut down on alkyhol?



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Its always the drinkers ,smokers and Drivers who are hammered the most. Its hardly suprising that a lot of smokers( myself included) buy "Knock Off " cigs and Tobacco at less than half the retail price , stay in and buy cheap booze from the supermarkets who sell it as a loss leader to get customers into the stores ,and mix their Diesel with Red Diesel( or run 100% Cherry) which again is less than half the price of White Diesel bought at the pumps.


More pathetic bleating. Change the record; according to you you're really rather comfortably off. Quit whining - it's so unattractive.

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Although I've cut back on unnecessary costs, Go to more restaurants than ever. Eat the best I can afford.

Put 2 stone on since recession. I'll be going to Spain and Brazil in next few months too.

My attitude is I won't be dictated too by this govt. Whether to enjoy life or not!


On deathbed you'll only regret the things you didn't do.


Well said, there's no pockets in shrouds

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I agree. Everything that goes in our wheelie bins is bagged so the bins don't really get dirty or smell. Also, I save money on bin bags by re-using supermarket carrier bags.


We have our main bin cleaned and washed- at the moment anyway.


Sometimes bags can open or food left in there for a week goes rotten and can smell bad.

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I've always been tightfisted prudent and frugal. I buy reduced veg from the greengrocer. So what if a red pepper is going a bit soft, it's going in a curry. So what if the mushrooms are a bit brown, they'll be peeled and put in risotto.


I'll buy stuff from Jack Fulton - 3 tins of HP beans for £1. Why would I pay more for the same product elsewhere?


We've recently had a water meter installed. Not because we are cutting back, just because it seemed madness not to.


Last year I did begin walking back from the pub and work instead of getting the bus/tram. But this was both a case of saving a bit of money and getting a bit more exercise.


I've recently had some good fortune, so we don't really need to cut back. It won't prevent me being tightfisted frugal though and I still pick up pennies I see on the pavement.

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More pathetic bleating. Change the record; according to you you're really rather comfortably off. Quit whining - it's so unattractive.


Who`s whining ? Just a tip to save cash. I never said i was on the breadline,and yes im comfortable ,but if i can save money by switching credit cards it makes sense. No one should pay interest on credit cards when you can transfer the balance every twelve months.

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