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T.V Shopping Channels Beware

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I had to draw some money out of my bank account on Monday so i went to the nearest ATM to me, using a card that i don't use much (TSB Debit Card) i only use it when i am buying things online the last time i used it was about six months ago on a shopping channel, anyway i drew some money out of the ATM and i wanted to check my balance as well as i did not know how much was in the account, either i missed it or it did not show me, so later that night i thought i would check my balance online having got my account up their was a further two withdrawals after mine one for £1.60 and another for £99.95 drawn by something called LV8 Poundsaver after racking my brain i decided i had never heard of this company or could i recollect recently spending such an amount with this card so i rang TSB up and told me i had also been debited by this company in February, am i sure i don't know who it is i said i Havant a clue she said can i put you on hold so when she came back on, she said it was a scam and the only way round it was to cancel this number on the account and give me another number and refund the money that has been taken out of my account


This scam is related to some T.V shopping Channels Passing on your card details. more info here with more links.



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My Mum had this too money taken on a monthly basis. The bank cancelled the card used and issued a new one.




it seems it is more wide spread than i first thought, there has been a lot of people that have been caught out by this company they have even been known to give themselves good reviews i have reported them so i will see what happens

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Never use a debit card for any remote shopping. Get a credit card and let the bank sort out any disputes, as its their money not yours and you're not likely to be left with a drained bank account.


Am I right in thinking that this only applies to transactions of £100 or more? I always use a CC for those.

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Am I right in thinking that this only applies to transactions of £100 or more? I always use a CC for those.




My card was a TSB debit card and none of the debits out of my account was at or over £100 but they did say they would refund me the four amounts was £1.60 £45.00 £1.60 and £99.96



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Never use a debit card for any remote shopping. Get a credit card and let the bank sort out any disputes, as its their money not yours and you're not likely to be left with a drained bank account.


True,i always use credit card online,i then just log into my bank account and transfer what i have just spent from my account, to my cc acount.

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