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Big Environment Day in Heeley

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On Saturday 4th May 2013, 11am to 3pm, Heeley Millennium Park will host their Big Environment Day. This will be a launch of new features in the park that include nature and art trails, and a chance for people to take part in environmental activities and workshops.


If you are a environmentall minded community group, project or creator of handcrafted 'eco' goods, and would like to be involved in this event in some way - please get in touch. You could book a stall, hand out information or run an activity - the choice is yours.


Would you like to volunteer to help to plan or deliver this event? If so, then we would welcome you on board. We have a range of tasks and jobs that need doing, and extra pairs of hands would be great.


To find out more about this event contact Bev Nunn, Events & Involvement Organiser at Heeley Development Trust on 250 0613 or email bev.n@heeleydevtrust.com

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