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Men with toupes. Why? why? why?

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Last night we went out for a drink and there was a guy sitting a couple of tables away wearing a particularly awful toupe. Not so much a rug as a carpet tile. Your eyes were sort of drawn to the join between his jet black mop and the thinning grey of his receding hair. You looked around and noticed other folks eyes were drawn to him and he obviously felt very self conscious and fully aware that he was fooling no one.


So why do some folk feel drawn to spend large sums on these things? His mates seemed happy to be going grey and thinning on top. Surely it is better to grow old gracefully than to make yourself look a prize pillock by wearing a dead rabbit on your head.

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While I miss having hair, I wouldn't go to the trouble of getting a toupe or having hair transplant surgery.


My last 2 gfs prefered me bald and that's how I'm going to stay.

Saves me a fortune on hair cuts lol. Just get the razor out and give it the once over!

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I guess it's much the same as the ladies who can best be described as "mutton dressed as lamb"...


... or ones who go overboard on say, bright red lipstick...


... one word - VANITY! ;)


I couldn't agree more. One could also ask why do perfectly acceptably looking women choose to lather their faces in slap before they dare venture out of their house?



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Last night we went out for a drink and there was a guy sitting a couple of tables away wearing a particularly awful toupe. Not so much a rug as a carpet tile. Your eyes were sort of drawn to the join between his jet black mop and the thinning grey of his receding hair. You looked around and noticed other folks eyes were drawn to him and he obviously felt very self conscious and fully aware that he was fooling no one.


So why do some folk feel drawn to spend large sums on these things? His mates seemed happy to be going grey and thinning on top. Surely it is better to grow old gracefully than to make yourself look a prize pillock by wearing a dead rabbit on your head.


I would think the same question applies to the myriads of gormy types who pay to have their nails extended,their labias trimmed and their pubic hair removed.


---------- Post added 07-03-2013 at 16:06 ----------


Being bald doesn't carry the same stigma it once did.


Look at that singer in Fat Chocolate and Ewell Brynner in the King and I-both made millions being bald.

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So why do some folk feel drawn to spend large sums on these things? His mates seemed happy to be going grey and thinning on top. Surely it is better to grow old gracefully than to make yourself look a prize pillock by wearing a dead rabbit on your head.


What if someone starts losing their hair before 30??


Some men find it very difficult to accept and if a toupee gives them confidence/comfort then so be it.


And no, I am not bald- just making a point.

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