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Time for football to pay the full cost for additional policing

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CELCAD. So you don't care for football. That's fine, perfectly acceptable, each to their own & all that. The thing is, that millions of people in the world do care.

That makes football important whether you wish it to be or not. Sport means so much to so many people for many reasons. The one that appeals to me the most is that it is probably unique in being the only thing in life that at one & the same time means absolutely everything & absolutely nothing.

As for the 'fans' that indulge in violence, they are not true fans at all. These people are attracted to the game because of it's high profile.

Out of a crowd of 20,000 how many do you suppose indulge in that sort of moronic behavior? If it's 200 that would constitute a major incident & be reported on the national news. How often does that happen? Too often, I'll grant you, but looked at in context of the numbers involved it's minimal.

Football is unfortunately the outlet that these idiots are attracted to, but do you really think that if football disappeared these people would suddenly become model citizens?

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