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Anyone remember the 'pen man'?

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Was talking to my lad about scams today and I remembered the pen man. He would offer people pens in town (in the 80s) and then ask for 10p, which I remember seeing surprised people hand over, before realising they had been done. Did anyone on here ever get caught out by him?

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I remember a small old man who used to push a marker type pen into your hand then ask for money for some sort of charity, Jarvis Cocker mentions him in a Pulp song but I cannot remember which one.


Can you elaborate, what was the scam?


He sold pens for 10p?


I remember him very well.


He was quite forceful and intimidating in his manner. Quite nasty, in fact:- he would get very shirty with you, if you didn't give him money.


He scammed people by pretending that it was all for "old soldiers".


I tended to see him around the junction opposite Debenhams at Moorhead. (where the heart foundation charity shop is, now)


Sorry I can't help with the name of the song.

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I remember him very well.


He was quite forceful and intimidating in his manner. Quite nasty, in fact:- he would get very shirty with you, if you didn't give him money.


He scammed people by pretending that it was all for "old soldiers".


I tended to see him around the junction opposite Debenhams at Moorhead. (where the heart foundation charity shop is, now)


Sorry I can't help with the name of the song.


Thats exactly the location where I was "scammed".

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I see, so he gave you the pen first then made you feel obliged to pay for it.:D


Well, it was a bit stronger than "made you feel obliged..." but, yes, he'd be quite insistent and press the pen on you, and then get really shirty and aggressive if you wouldn't stump up the money, or tried to give it him back.


As I said above, he would imply that the money was for old soldiers. (I suppose in the 1970s/ early 80s, it was still very close to folks' hearts, the major wars like WWII etc)


What he did, though, was sort of like demanding money with menaces/ obtaining money under false pretences.

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