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Anyone remember the 'pen man'?

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I worked in town in the eighties and never saw the guy.

Does anyone know....was it a scam?

Or just an over enthusiastic fund raiser?

Scam is a bit strong if the latter.


defo a scam. had an old cocoa tin as a collecting box with a hand written label.



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I can remember the pen man and used to cross the road wheni saw him coming and the guy with the almanacs used to stand at the steps down into pond street ,i can remember my dad saying keep away from him so as a boy i thought almanacs were something to stay clear of.What days.:)

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I'm another one who remembers the pen man. Used to stand outside Suggs, or anywhere on that stretch between Suggs and Heart Foundation.


Me and my Mum always called him Miss World. He always used to approach women by saying "Hello, Miss World!". My Mum being the born and bred, no nonsense Sheffield woman she was used to give him short shrift, I can tell you!

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Also the blind chap who sold shoelaces and matches out side ,was it, Suggs on the moor.Another one was the bloke who gave away Old Moores Almanacs and when you took it off him he wanted a donation,think his name was Littlewood.


The Old Moores Almanac guy used to stand near the steps to Pond Street bus station where the electronic street guide was. He conned me out of two bob in the early sixties. Two bob well spent really, never fell for similar cons again.

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