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Missing indoor-only cat S5 *found*


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I live on Hatfield & will keep an eye open for her, I tend to wander around walking the dogs. Also for some unknown reason quite a few cats seem to congregate on the back of the flats next to me so I will ask the residents to keep an eye open

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Thank you for the messages of support. As glitterkat is indoors every day for weeks at a time this cat is especially close to her. She is taking the cats disappearance particularly hard.


Ah I hope that she soon comes back :( is it Mini?

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Thankyou aberdeen and hubby. :) xxx


We narrowed the time down to 10am to 3pm, but none of the opportunities for her to get out and be freaked enough to hide rather than cry to come in seem 100% likely. I think she was gone before 12 or 1 because I went for a lie down and she almost always comes and finds me and didn't. We're wondering if she is ill/old (vet said she's much older than we've had her, going by her eyes) and instinct kicked in and she ran out to die. But still, the opportunities she had to get out are so brief and nobody saw. It's bizarre.


The other cats (all braver and come and go as they please) sense something's wrong and they're all being really attentive/clingy to me and mum. Lots of little bitemarks on my hand from the one who doesn't quite understand how to do kisses! :)

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So sorry to hear she is missing, I always panic like anything if any of my indoor cats do their hiding routine, and I go around frantic until I find them thinking they have 'got out' so I can guess at what you are going through. A couple of years ago now my elderly tabby got out and I didn't realise until well into the evening, did the same, made posters etc, started ringing round all the local vets I could find and luckily someone had found him wandering near a road 2 roads away from me and took him to our nearest vets. So I would try ringing round your local ones in case she has been found by someone and taken there hun - worth a try :-) plus they will keep her details if she does ever turn up.

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