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Will the UK become a third world country?

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Serving for two decades in the RN gave me a chance to visit some very third world places. I can assure you that Great Britain will never be one of them, while her sons and daughters live around the world. The very fact that you're able to moan and groan without being hauled off to some concentration camp shows that you live in a great free country. You are its government, not the buffoons who sit in parliaments or congresses in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and home.

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With the safety net getting smaller and smaller and more people becoming destitute will more of the UK become a third world country?
No. More and more money will be taken from the middle-classes to pay for the destitute. The rich have no need to worry, and neither do the poor. No one ever considers the middle classes when assessing third-worldliness, so it won't make any difference to the UK's status, even though the middle classes will be just scraping by whilst working their nuts off to pay for everyone else!
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Serving for two decades in the RN gave me a chance to visit some very third world places. I can assure you that Great Britain will never be one of them, while her sons and daughters live around the world. The very fact that you're able to moan and groan without being hauled off to some concentration camp shows that you live in a great free country. You are its government, not the buffoons who sit in parliaments or congresses in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and home.


Some people in here should go and live in some of these places for a while. Maybe they will realise how rich they really are.

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we already are a third world country! half the third world are here already:gag:


Bless you Adam - you sound like a total dork when you say stuff like this. Remember, lovey, hate is not a virtue. Try and find some love in your stunted little heart - it'll make you feel better too!

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We have a large proportion of the 3rd worlds people comming here, they do nowt but reproduce, consume and screw things up so I would say YES we have a problem. What I question is why do you need to ask?


Close our boarders, and put mess in the bottoms of the boats they come in, or get rid of our Benefit system, or as its better known "da cash cow init"

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We have a large proportion of the 3rd worlds people comming here, they do nowt but reproduce, consume and screw things up so I would say YES we have a problem.


The problem here is that you're a racist dork.

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Bless you Adam - you sound like a total dork when you say stuff like this. Remember, lovey, hate is not a virtue. Try and find some love in your stunted little heart - it'll make you feel better too!


ah you sound so mumsy whern you say stuff like this:roll: who mentioned hate?? oh yes that was you, i dont hate anyone really:roll: but i was answering the OP and wether we will be or we are or are looking like a third world country, the racial mix is now so overwhelming that we have schools where there is no child whos first language is english:loopy: visit many areas in great britain today and they resemble very closely areas of the third world, in fact look on abbeydale road , firthpark, darnall, spital hill and many other areas where the street scene is not one of a western community,ramshackle shop fronts, waste strewn all over, men standing in the street chewing and then spitting stuff onto the pavement etc etc this is also spreading to more affluent areas, so yes i would say that if we are not already its only a matter of time:roll:

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Then there's the UK's shanty towns.


Homeless east European migrants are being offered free flights back to their home country by a government-funded scheme set up to combat the rise of shanty towns in rural Britain.



England faces a shortfall of 750,000 homes by 2025 according to a new report from IPPR. Could this mean that we will regress to be a nation of shanty town dwellers as people find it impossible to find a home they can afford?

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