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Terminus Market, Middlewood Road, Hillsborugh


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On the parade of shops on Mddlewood Road, just about opposite Asda on Catch Bar Lane s a stone marked TERMINUS MARKET J.H.S.R. 1923. It is in the centre of the parade above the door to Ladyzone next to the window.

Does anybody have any information about this? I realise the Terminus would have been for the original trams. What or who is J.H.S.R.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi Tezden - well spotted!.:).I must have passed that spot hundreds of times and never noticed the stone - here is a photo from Google Earth.


The 1925 Kelly's Directory doesn't mention the "Terminus Market" as such, but the address of the building that has the stone is 331 Middlewood Road. A few doors away at No 349 (next to the entrance to a yard) the directory shows "John H.S. Randall Ltd, builders". So this explains the initials J.H.S.R. - presumably this firm built the property near where their office and yard were situated. Looking a little further, the 1911 census shows "John Henry Stimpson Randall", a "Builder (speculative)" at the same address, 349 Middlewood Road. So John Randall was the property developer who built the "Terminus Market". He was born at Doddington in Cambridgeshire in 1875, the son of a master builder & innkeeper, and he died aged 80 in 1955, having moved to a large detached house in Whirlowdale Road (must have done well!)


A similar dated stone can be found on Holme Lane, near the junction with Haden Street - here is a photo.


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Thanks Hillsbro ... Brilliant reply. I have submitted some photographs of the parade of shops and the date stone to the Geograph website ... If you are interested the main picture reference is 3363063 and this has links to the other pics. Is it ok for me to include some of your reply in the description?

I am aware of the second date stone you mention ... This was an easier 'spot' for me as I used to work next door at Tramways Medical Centre. Some pics of the stone and market are also on Geograph under references 1656820 and 1656843.

I would be interested to know if you have any info on who built this block of shops and any history.

Thanks again

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Hi Tezden - happy to be able to help; by all means use the data I unearthed for "Geograph". There must be many more of these dated stones around, each with a story behind it. I don't know the history of the "Hillsbro Market" block but will have a look in my "archives"..:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aprilshowers ... Thanks for your post and information. Co-incidentally, following Hillsbro's post, a few days ago, I had another wander past the parade of shops and noticed 349 had the name Rand House and was complete with building yard at the rear. The gates to the yard were open and were interesting as they had a metal plaque within the iron work ... On one side it looks like an Angel with two Cherubs, the other side a Sheperdess with a lamb. I've taken some photos to put on Geograph but not uploaded them yet.

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