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Adding 2-stroke to a diesel engine

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ive been told that adding 2-stroke to a diesel engine will make the vehicle perform better also lubricating the engine and getting more miles to the galleon, is this true???


Looks like what you have heard is true !!!


Just get the amount of oil right and everyones a winner :D

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2-stroke oil does do a good job of increasing lubrication of the pump and injectors, reduced wear and tear and can quiet down loud injectors on an old motor. Some people have noticed it helps with cold starting as well.


There's no performance advantage.


petrol will not lubricate a diesel engine it will do the opposite


He means 2-stroke oil.

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The link to a proper set of blind testing of different additives in this link seems to show that a few % of biodiesel gives the best improvement interms of lubricating pump internals.


Edit. Does anyone know which companies include biodiesel in their fuel, and if so, then how much?

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Looks like what you have heard is true !!!


Just get the amount of oil right and everyones a winner :D

I don't trust the author. He says, and I quote: "... if such 2-stroke oil is added to the diesel in a homoeophatic [sic] dosis [sic] of 1:200. ..."

Clearly, he means 'homoeopathic' not 'homoeophatic', but a true homoeopathic dose would be effectively zero in infinity. That he does not know this, nor indeed has the ability to spell, suggests that he is nowhere near as bright as he needs to be in order to make this claim. Also, anyone who likens a supposedly effective treatment to homoeopathy, clearly has a problem. :hihi:

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Edit. Does anyone know which companies include biodiesel in their fuel, and if so, then how much?


Morrisons, 5% Bio.


They also recommend you DO NOT use it with any new diesel cars because it may damage the engine.

So don't believe everything you read online.

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