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Myers Grove Comp in the 60s

Chris M

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  • 4 months later...

Just been listening to "music that was banned" documentary on TV, and Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds came on.


It got me to talking with hubby about our old music teacher Mr Cassidy at Myers Grove school (late 1970s). He was a really enthusiastic teacher, and helped shape my love of music, especially when we formed the larger popular music choir - we performed LSDiamonds, with all the harmonies - great memories.


Any body know what happened to him, is he still around?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tails of Myers Grove gone bye

Now that Myers Grove has gone over the years there has been many stories gone off. If you have anylease post yhem and the year(approx) it happened.


In the eary days 1961 there was a teacher who was a nice quieter chap but could not control the kids in his charge. This was so much yhat the kids set him up when on yard duty by fighting. He came over to break the fighying up and grabbed each by the ear and started to to head towards the heads office (lower school the only one there then). Immediatley about 200 kids started chanting his name and continued it after he had gone in the duilding.This went on for about 10minutes until suddenly the head of the year(who was over 6ft) came to the door and shouted "You want what? The whole of the school yard vanished.


The girl who shall remain nameless who was messing about in the corridor to the channging rooms and was pushed through a plate glass door outside.(1965)


The trip to Rome and Venice where in Rome one of the girls had that much to drink and was hung up in the bar on coat hooks (4 lads and 28 girls good odds). Some of the time we were asked to protect the girls from the Italian lads(letchers). We had been to a vinyard wine cellarfor a tasting and a group of lads latched ont some of the girls. Although slit up by the teachers and stopped from getting onto the coach. The girls had got on anf lowered the windows down in order to kiss them. The coach started of and the lsds hung onto the coach eindos with the bus driving along and the lads haf took there shoes off as weapons and rapped there knuckles until they dropped of the side of the coach.


A couple had been going out for quite sometime and said they were getting matried as soon as they left echool (they were in the 4th year) . The parents found out and tried to stop them seeing each other, so they ran off. It took about 3 weeks for the police to find them.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Sorry deej cannot send a pm as I haven't done enough posts yet. But I was in 1&2B4 then 3M2 and finally 4G1, but on the few occasions I went to school in the last year they kept asking who I was and was I actually a pupil or a visitor.


Was your form teacher Mr Snell. It was a class made up of sporty types:).

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