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Myers Grove Comp in the 60s

Chris M

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I was at M.G. from 64 - 69


I seem to remember the English teacher you are talking about - looked a bit of a hard nut with a shaven/short hair.


If its the same guy then he surprised everyone at a parents eent by playing some very cool jazz on the piano by way of entertainment.


never had him for English though - I was fortinate to have Dorothy Turner who turned out to be inspirational - at least for me - and who I rate as one of the best teachers ever alongside Barry Sampson (Music) and Mr Snell (P.E.

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Cannot remember the names of any of the 'tough guys' other than they hung around in packs.


One guy who I do remember, and certainly not a bully or anything like that was Tony Gillott, lived in Stannington. Fit as a butchers dog, excelled at all sports etc. but a pretty unassuming guy.


One day one of the toughies offered Tony out for some reason, so the jungle drums went round and by the end of school a huge crowd of lads, and a few lasses, headed down Wood Lane to the assigned spot for the fight (was down the mousehole somewhere, opposite the Anvil Pub)


What followed was a lesson in scrapping that left a very humbled and bloody bully boy on the floor - and Tony with a level of respect which ensured no one ever bothered him again.


Not thought about that incident since I saw this post so we are going back 46-odd years, but it sprung back in memory as if yesterday.

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Makes you feel old when you thnk of school days I went to Myers grove in the 60s it seems a lifetime away lots of memories like playing pennies (chuck a coin up to the wall and see who gets it closest to the foot of the wall).Few names of the lads from school was Brent hawksworth, Sam wheatcroft,Pete Hartley , Arthur helliwell mr Marshall was upper head and mr Yates was lower head, some of the teachers were bully's like mr wardle he was rotation to school kids then there was MR Douglas he favoured jabbing his index finger into your chest very hard and I think one of the worst was a p e teacher mr peers he would slipper you even for blinking wrong (bast..d) a few names I remember are Paul grubb jimmy ridge dave barley Stuart hayse Gary burgin , ps I heard that mr snell had died (pe teacher)

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yes I heard that about Mr Snell - I think he took a pub near Crosspool after leaving teaching but sadly passed away not long after.


I have personal reasons for thinking he was a top bloke - will never forget the kindness he showed my Nan (who I was living with at the time) following a serious accident during rugby training I had at school - he was the one who had to go and tell her that I was in a serious condition at the Infirmary and apparently the way he handled it was superb - my nan was running a corner shop at the time - he sort of took over the shop, handled the delivery drivers that had turned up, and stayed with my nan until my parents arrived.

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I was there from 1966-70, year tutor was Stuart Furniss, Wiilie Hill was upper school head and I think the lower school head was called Sanderson. There was Mr&Mrs Blaby who taught history and I think French, Mr Short English, Mr Marsh general science, Mr Wardle taught RE, we knew him as pick lick roll and flick. Sports was Mr Snell and Mr Smith and Mr Burgin, wood work Mr Denton, sadly I spent a lot of my last year fishing as I couldn't wait to leave. I did get excluded for a short time for blowing the boys toilet up after a chemistry lesson.

Pick stick was Willie watson that taught RE Wardle taught english

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