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Id like to discuss beauty

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who decides who's pretty and who's not? We're told that britney and buffy etc are beautiful but are they really? who says? do pretty people get a rough deal growing up? Are they not taken seriously, or do they get ahead?

If you looked completely different but had the same personality, would you have the same life?

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who decides who's pretty and who's not? We're told that britney and buffy etc are beautiful but are they really? who says? do pretty people get a rough deal growing up? Are they not taken seriously, or do they get ahead?

If you looked completely different but had the same personality, would you have the same life?



Alot of it is 'decided' by the media and such like.


There was an interesting documentary I saw awhile ago where a scientist had mathematically defined beauty as being a ratio (1.61 or something)

Basically its something to do with proportions of each part of the face and indeed the body.


Not sure if anyone else watched it.



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I saw that documentary too. Very interesting.


A lot of scientists argue that on a subconscious level we are all programmed to look for a suitable mate. So men look for women with rounded hips and breasts, full lips and big eyes, as these are signs of youth and fertility. Women look for men with broad shoulders and chiszelled jaws, because these are a sign of strength and dominance.


In reality though, I think attraction is one of the most complex things on earth, and the things that attract humans to one another vary widely.


Some people may fit all the stereotypes of 'good looking', but not have an ounce of sex appeal, while others may not be conventionally physically attractive, but have an x-factor that makes them incredibly sexy.


Go figure! Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.

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A symmetrical face (eyes in line with each other) is supposed to be good: a sign of good genes or something.

Analysis in one TV programme found that the single most important thing women look for is height and for men it is waist/hip ratio. ;)

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...Are they not taken seriously, or do they get ahead?...

There's a psychological concept called the 'Halo Effect', where people who are perceived to be attractive are also thought to have other positive attributes. For example, they're perceived as being less clumsy, more intelligent etc. It can be a burden, but it's something I've learned to live with... ;) .

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Beauty is in the eye of the beholder as they say and I believe this to be true. What one person finds attractive is not the same as wehat another person does.

this gets me thinking about leagues (weve discussed b4 on another thread) does one only find attractive someone of ur "league" or above?

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I saw that documentary too. Very interesting.


A lot of scientists argue that on a subconscious level we are all programmed to look for a suitable mate. So men look for women with rounded hips and breasts, full lips and big eyes, as these are signs of youth and fertility. Women look for men with broad shoulders and chiszelled jaws, because these are a sign of strength and dominance.


In reality though, I think attraction is one of the most complex things on earth, and the things that attract humans to one another vary widely.


Some people may fit all the stereotypes of 'good looking', but not have an ounce of sex appeal, while others may not be conventionally physically attractive, but have an x-factor that makes them incredibly sexy.


Go figure! Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.


True, I guess that explains the 'first impression' scenario, but alot of other factors also kick in (personality, overall appearance, mannerisms, accents etc etc)

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