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Airsoft lightfighter now closed. Alternatives?


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I dont think theyve updated the site in a while, as I only went last week and it was fine.


It cost £25 pounds for the day, and it cost £10 to hire a gun, and you get 3000 pellets with that, of which i only used half! they give you the camoflauge gear so you look the part, but you can wear what you want, some people come in there own gear.


There were a few people who took it completely seriously which was funny, they arrived in full swat team gear, and some were dressed like soldiers in star gate! they also brought there own guns, slighty sad i know, but they were alright..


its good fun as they give you missions to do, and its set in old buildings, so theres good places to hide and play sniper!


Its great once you get shot, as you realise it doesnt really hurt, after a while you get really into it, and play like you life depends on it!

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I think it will be an expensive but mucho fun hobby.. May even give it a go if I ever have the time.. I think I quite like the idea of dressing up like SG-1.. :D

How many people did you go with, and did they put you with groups of total strangers??

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i went with 5 other people, but in total there were about 40 people there, so we were split into 2 groups of 20, which was better, as you get talking to everyone else there. We did 3 games in the morning, then had a game that lasted the whole afternoon, where we had this big mission which was really good.


I think i was the only girl there! mindew i was a bit girly, i kept appologising everytime i shot at someone!


Its good though, as when you get shot, you just go back to a re-spawning point, then your alowed out again, so it means your not out for the whole game when you get shot.


You get to buy smoke grenades and flash bombs and hand grenades which are really cool.


Can't wait to go again now! I think next time, i might go really sad and dress up in full camo gear and black out my face, the full works!

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