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Cat vomiting - is it normal?


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The cats have been going out for about 4 weeks now and I've woken up to find one of them has vomited on the floor every few days. It just looked like regurgitated cat food. I'm just wondering if this is normal or if they've been eating something dodgy that they've found on their little adventures? Is it anything to worry about?

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If its due to hairballs you will see the hairball in the vomit. Our cat used to be sick every other day during a moult even though we brushed him. We feed him hairball food now so he is hardly ever sick.


If you aren't seeing the big hairballs I would take the cat to the vet.


Sometimes kittens cat be full of worms if the mother hasn't been wormed regularly. We saw our kitten vomit worms when we got him - gross.

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A couple of my cats are sick after over eating or eating it too fast when they are hungry, it is just cat food that comes up, that seems to be relatively common and nothing to worry about, try feeding smaller meals more often.

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I checked the last one and it looked like there was some hair in it. One of them also likes to eat my hair for some reason; it's long so I don't always notice straight away but he definitely ingests it as he's pooped it back out before, maybe it's that. I'll keep an eye on them anyway. I think I'll worm them this week as well just in case.


I've tried to get the fat one to eat smaller portions but he just ends up eating the other ones food as well. :?

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Dry biscuits can sometimes make cats vomit. Usually the cheaper brands like Go Cat or Munchies. Cats tend to eat too many at one time, they swell up in the gut & then up they come when tummy is full. In the wild cats will eat grass to make themselves vomit to expel parasites. You could buy seeds to grow kitty grass at home for them to munch on. It's less harsh on their tummy's & less likely to have added nasties on it compared to what they would eat outside. If it's furballs, you can get tasty pastes like Defurrem which helps to break down fur balls before they have to sick them up. Cats usually just lick it straight from the tube.

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One of mine does it with great regularity. She knows she is not allowed wet food, so if she spies any going, she scoffs it as fast as she can and then pays the ultimate price. Unfortunately, she doesn't just chuck up once, she does it several times around the house! She does the same with biscuits, even the best varieties.

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