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Are our inner cities isolating the remaining indigenous populous?

Are our inner cities isolating the remaining indigenous populous?  

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  1. 1. Are our inner cities isolating the remaining indigenous populous?

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But here's the problem, how do you know who's doing nothing all day and is a waste of space based purely on looking at them? It's been said before but I bet you most of the foreign students who come here to study walk around during the day and look a total waste of space to some people...yet in Sheffield alone they brought in £120 million last year!




It's dangerous territory to venture into to form an opinion based purely on what someone looks like.


Another bit of bull to silence the populace.

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I go to work in the morning and they are stood there I come home after a 15 hour shift and there are the same faces still hanging about,you tend to notice them when you go through that area,and the women are mostly pregnant and seem to all have a brood.may be they might have a part time job and nip in to their the job in between me going and coming you never know,but I doubt it though.


Well I guess if you're seeing the same faces and remembering them it isn't amounting to a significant number of people even if they aren't in work. Indeed if you walk around impoverished white areas you're likely to encounter similar faces, but again I think it would be unhelpful to form an opinion about their work status too.


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 16:54 ----------


Another bit of bull to silence the populace.


Haha...and you say my posts make ME look stupid!

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But here's the problem, how do you know who's doing nothing all day and is a waste of space based purely on looking at them? It's been said before but I bet you most of the foreign students who come here to study walk around during the day and look a total waste of space to some people...yet in Sheffield alone they brought in £120 million last year!




It's dangerous territory to venture into to form an opinion based purely on what someone looks like.


Come off it Page Hall is well away from student central.

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Integration should be a one way street, if you can't or won't fit in find another club don't expect others to change their ways to suit you.


Does that include ex-pats in Spain?


If said foreigners are not prepared to integrate unconditionally, then they should not be residing in this country at all.


Why should we, the indigenous majority modify our culture to accomodate aliens?


Does that include ex-pats in Spain?


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 17:10 ----------


Parts of London have been colonised and the incomers are not immigrants but colonialists with no respect for native values, traditions or culture. Immigrants like my grandfather integrated and accepted absolutely British values and culture.


Research shows that multicultural societies are far less happy and socially less cohesive than societies which have a single dominant culture and population.


Could you please provide a link to the research you are citing here?


This is why so many white natives are forced to leave their homelands and to live in Spain, Australia, France, Wales, Scotland, Devon, Cornwall and other places with the right level of immigration and ethnic population.


Do you have any evidence of 'white natives being forced to leave their homelands'?


Aren't Devon, Cornwall Wales and Scotland part of the UK any more? Do they not constitute British homelands?



I really do not think politicians have a clue just how much native Britons despise what is happening to the country their ancestors fought and died for.


Like the British Indian Army, the Polish airmen and the Gurkhas?


You really need to learn to apply some moderation and more temperate language. using the word some may help you to present a more truthful picture of the UK.


e.g. some native Britons despise what is happening to the country.


Unless, of course, you labour under the sad delusion that every British native agrees with you (which I am fairly sure you don't, as most people are not that narcissistic or megalomaniacal).




I always wanted to go to populous exotic places with fascinating and food and dark skinned people, who had several wives who they beat to work, and who still practiced clitorectomies or witchcraft. I didn't think when I was younger that it would only cost me the price of a bus ride rather than an airfare, or that my taxes would be needed to keep them


The application of the extreme traits and practices of the few to the many in order to disparage is flawed logic I am afraid.


It is a little like claiming that, because some white people engage in vitriolic racial bigotry, we all do.




rich ghettos ,expats on holidaysuspect:you're stretching it a bit there:hihi:


The claim was not about ex-pats on holiday - please don't shift the goalposts if you don't have an answer. The point was about permanent ex-pat communities who do not integrate and seek to create 'little Englands' abroad.


So, in light of that clarification, how and why is it a stretch to make the obvious comparisons to the selfsame phenomenon that so irks you when it is practised on our shores?


Everyone knows that the UK is a dustbin for any immigrants from anywhere, that we give everyone free healthcare, education and benefits;


Well, I, for one, do not know any of that. I don't even agree with it. So your claim that everyone knows what you are claiming is looking a little shaky isn't it? Perhaps it is time to try out that word some that I mentioned earlier.


that no illegal immigrants if caught will be punished and most will not even be deported; that - according to the propaganda of the diversity industry, we simply adore diversity and black and brown immigrants.


I am more than happy with diversity and multi-culturalism thanks, as I am well aware of the massive benefits, both economic and cultural, that immigration brings to this country. I am also happy that many UK citizens are allowed to live happily in various parts of the world whether they choose to integrate or not.


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 17:11 ----------



Not immigration.

Just immigrants who practice this sort of thing.


Its disgusting and any culture that allows, encourages or turns a blind eye to it is disgusting too.


So, to follow your logic, you have no issue with immigrants who do not practice the abuses you have mentioned. In other words, the overwhelming majority.


What evidence do you have that cultures are to blame? I agree, any cover up of abuses is abhorrent. However, be careful of your use of the word culture here. Is British culture disgusting because there have been cover-ups of abuses in the Catholic Church and social care?


Why do you doubt that many immigrants coming here will be appalled by the Jimmy Savile saga?

I doubt that.

I really doubt that.

Are you claiming some knowledge of the personal moral code of every immigrant into the UK?


Surely you are not suggesting that every immigrant into the UK has exactly the same moral code?

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Then I suggest you visit Keighley, Blackburn or Rochdale, where the skylines now resembles Kadahar rather than historic Northern industrial towns.
Ive visited all those areas, do you live there?



Then I suggest you “white-up” and take a walk around Manningham (Bradford) King Cross (Halifax) or Middleton (Rochdale) after dark. That might open your eyes a bit!

Why should I have to 'white up'? If the inhabitants have a problem with outsiders, them my skin colour isn't relevant. Besides which if I walked round those areas and encountered what you describe my first call would be to the police instead of whinging on a public forum about something that might or might not exist.


It effects the profitability of both of my businesses. In my culture you work hard to establish legal businesses in order to make money.

I'm sure you do, and you'll probably find a similar mindset in the businesses of immigrants..unless of course you know different.


I doubt very much if nationally the tax take is proportionally sufficient from the immigrant population to cover the extra the extra capital investment required and the increased complexity involve in purchasing, planning and preparation. It is obviously cheaper to feed a given number of pupils if you are only supplying a single menu rather than a multiple ones to account for religious/cultural requirements.

Rather than doubt, why don't you spend a few minutes collecting the necessary evidence to support your argument, that gives everyone a platform to work from.


I know for a fact that police ignored social workers in one West Yorkshire town reporting crimes (I leave you to guess what type) and being told to drop the matter because said police feared race-based civil disorder if they looked under that particular stone.

Yes, of course you do. I know lots of police officers (of various ethnic persuasions), many in senior positions who work in public protection and from what I know of them they'd have no fear about investigating the kind of crimes you describe and they certainly wouldn't tell someone to drop a serious allegation of sexual assault for fear it might cause civil disorder-most bobbies I know would have their boots on and the battering ram ready to knock out a few doors.


Enough for the NUT to have tabled it for debate at their conference in Liverpool a week on Friday.

I'm not suggesting it's an issue that's unsuitable for debate.


Yewtree: Fourteen arrests going back over forty years. West Yorks: 54 arrests in 5 months, plus Rochdale, Rotherham. Oldham, Luton, Oxford…………….where do you think the real problem lies? (http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/news/10279957.54_arrested_in_crackdown_on_grooming_of_young_girls_for_sex/)

It's not a competition, but you can't associate a community of people with crimes as you have done, without accepting it's a universal problem that also occurs within your own.


Or look back at the stories in the Star over the past two or three years, Spittal Hill is like Mogadishu.

..and look at the spate of domestic murders in Barnsley and Rotherham of late.










Murder and criminality isn't racially specific.


Since most of said documents are to do with claiming benefits, I very much doubt that to be the case.

But do you know he status of the people claiming benefits? Whether they're married to tax payers or have paid tax previously? Presumably they're only able to claim benefits for which they're legally entitled to.
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Well I guess if you're seeing the same faces and remembering them it isn't amounting to a significant number of people even if they aren't in work. Indeed if you walk around impoverished white areas you're likely to encounter similar faces, but again I think it would be unhelpful to form an opinion about their work status too.


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 16:54 ----------



Haha...and you say my posts make ME look stupid!


A study by the university who are the biggest beneficiaries, and you believe it, a bit more profit so they can buy up a bit more of Sheffield would be more truthful.

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I doubt very much if nationally the tax take is proportionally sufficient from the immigrant population to cover the extra the extra capital investment required and the increased complexity involve in purchasing, planning and preparation.


You are correct.


April 2008


Record levels of immigration have had "little or no impact" on the economic well-being of Britons, an influential House of Lords committee has said.


It says competition from immigrants has had a negative impact on the low paid and training for young UK workers, and has contributed to high house prices.

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I said it before I care not what colour or what planet they come from, I am just sick of what is happening to this great country of ours,with all these no hopers and parasites getting into the country filching the system contributing nothing, and taking everything.both my missus and me work we pay over a thousand a month in tax alone not counting vat and council tax we pay, and when you go through Page Hall and see all these non English looking waste of spaces walking about doing nothing all day you do tend to get a bit annoyed and wonder were all your tax money is going.


I go to work in the morning and they are stood there I come home after a 15 hour shift and there are the same faces still hanging about,you tend to notice them when you go through that area,and the women are mostly pregnant and seem to all have a brood.may be they might have a part time job and nip in to their the job in between me going and coming you never know,but I doubt it though.


Do you not think that to form sweeping opinions based on the little that one individual can personally see and experience is a limited process that is in direct opposition to having a rounded point of view based upon all of the available evidence.


The application of the traits and practices of the few to the many in order to disparage is flawed logic I am afraid.

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