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Are our inner cities isolating the remaining indigenous populous?

Are our inner cities isolating the remaining indigenous populous?  

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  1. 1. Are our inner cities isolating the remaining indigenous populous?

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I always wanted to go to populous exotic places with fascinating and food and dark skinned people, who had several wives who they beat to work, and who still practiced clitorectomies or witchcraft. I didn't think when I was younger that it would only cost me the price of a bus ride rather than an airfare, or that my taxes would be needed to keep them.:hihi:

Oh jc you really can't help yourself can you? So all immigrants who come here come from places where they practice witchcraft, wife beat and perform clitorectomies? It must be great comfort for people who believe in stereotypes to not be troubled by the thought that British men don't all Morris Dance, wear knotted handerchiefs on their heads or have unfeasibly small genitalia ;)


rich ghettos ,expats on holidaysuspect:you're stretching it a bit there:hihi:

Everyone knows that the UK is a dustbin for any immigrants from anywhere, that we give everyone free healthcare, education and benefits; that no illegal immigrants if caught will be punished and most will not even be deported; that - according to the propaganda of the diversity industry, we simply adore diversity and black and brown immigrants.

Why do you think so many travel through many European countries to get here


So what's your argument about? Immigrants or illegal immigrants? What about foreign students who make up a significant proportion of the immigration statistics? I noticed your erudite contributions weren't forthcoming on the recent thread about how much revenue they bring into the UK. What about the immigrant, highly skilled workers in medicine, IT and banking? Each probably pays more in UK tax than you earn in a year.

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Oh jc you really can't help yourself can you? So all immigrants who come here come from places where they practice witchcraft, wife beat and perform clitorectomies? .


Erm, where did he say all?

Besides, if one person practices witchcraft or clitorectomies.

Or beats there wife then makes her wear a bedsheet to cover the bruises.

Thats one too many in my book.

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Parts of London have been colonised and the incomers are not immigrants but colonialists with no respect for native values, traditions or culture. Immigrants like my grandfather integrated and accepted absolutely British values and culture.
Where was your grandfather an immigrant from?

What we see now are separate, segragated 'communities' - as a result of divisive and ill-thought-through misplaced multiculturalism. Research shows that multicultural societies are far less happy and socially less cohesive than societies which have a single dominant culture and population.


This is why so many white natives are forced to leave their homelands and to live in Spain, Australia, France, Wales, Scotland, Devon, Cornwall and other places with the right level of immigration and ethnic population.


No ones forced to leave because of immigrants, only those who have a natural revulsion to dark faces or foreign accents feel compelled to seek out people who look and talk like them.


It appears you miss the irony in your own statement..do British whites fleeing immigrants really move to France and Spain and reject their own culture in preference to the native one? I'll have to remember that when I'm next in Alicante and accept that English really is the new Spanish.


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 09:21 ----------


Erm, where did he say all?
I posed a question, hence the question mark,a rhetorical question wouldn't have required one.

Besides, if one person practices witchcraft or clitorectomies.

Or beats there wife then makes her wear a bedsheet to cover the bruises.

Thats one too many in my book.


One too many in mine too, but since I don't know their number or who they are I'll not spend to much time hyper ventilating over it or using it as an argument to demonise immigration generally.

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I posed a question, hence the question mark,a rhetorical question wouldn't have required one.


Erm, no you didnt.

You tried to put words in that posters mouth.

Tut tut!



One too many in mine too,

Great. Then we agree.





Now you had to go and spoil it...


since I don't know their number or who they are I'll not spend to much time hyper ventilating over it .

So, because you dont know how many of these poor women are beaten, abused, mutilated and generally treated like dirt. you are just going to bury you head in the sand.?



using it as an argument to demonise immigration generally.

Not immigration.

Just immigrants who practice this sort of thing.


Its disgusting and any culture that allows, encourages or turns a blind eye to it is disgusting too.

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Erm, no you didnt.

You tried to put words in that posters mouth.

Tut tut!

Wrong again, I was seeking clarification of what his position was.


So, because you dont know how many of these poor women are beaten, abused, mutilated and generally treated like dirt. you are just going to bury you head in the sand.?


Tut tut! Are you trying to put words into my mouth?


Not immigration.

Just immigrants who practice this sort of thing.

But the discussion's about immigration generally and inner cities isolating the indigenous population specifically, not the oppression of women. I'm sure many immigrants coming here are appalled by the Jimmy Savile saga, but it would hardly be a relevant reason to choose not to come to work here.

Its disgusting and any culture that allows, encourages or turns a blind eye to it is disgusting too.

What's your point?
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Wrong again, I was seeking clarification of what his position was.



You dont seek clarification by adding words, making stuff up or fibbing.

Thats just not cricket.



Tut tut! Are you trying to put words into my mouth?


No, as ive done none of the above ;)


But the discussion's about immigration generally and inner cities isolating the indigenous population specifically, not the oppression of women.


I bet some people will be happy about that.


I'm sure many immigrants coming here are appalled by the Jimmy Savile saga,

I doubt that.

I really doubt that.


What's your point?


I made it.

You know i made it.

Hence your previous post. :)

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They did have one large advantage in assimilating though. They fled persecution because they were Protestants to Protestant countries like England and holland whose existing culture they wanted to become part of - if they had fled to say Japan they'd still be a very visible "other" whose culture was very different from native Japanese culture.


Another big advantage was the colour of their skin, IMO. Regardless of culture, some later groups have not had that advantage.

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Another big advantage was the colour of their skin, IMO. Regardless of culture, some later groups have not had that advantage.


I'm not sure skin colour is all that important when it comes to either integration or acceptance. The Ugandan Asians integrated very easily and gained acceptance, some Eastern Europeans are not doing so well despite being white. If you look at some of the worst murderous violence against immigrants today it's perpetrated by blacks from RSA against blacks from Zim, so sharing majority skin tone is no guarantee of a warm welcome.

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I'm not sure skin colour is all that important when it comes to either integration or acceptance.
You make a good point but I think a lot of people's perception of immigrants is based on what they look like superficially. I'm sure the thousands of foreign students who come here and pay for the privilege are routinely mistaken for scrounging foreigners by those who simply equate people who don't look like them in those terms.


I used to work with an old Jewish guy, he anglicised his name when he came to the UK during the war in order to improve his chances of acceptance, he would have been unable to do that if he'd been a different skin colour!

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You make a good point but I think a lot of people's perception of immigrants is based on what they look like superficially. I'm sure the thousands of foreign students who come here and pay for the privilege are routinely mistaken for scrounging foreigners by those who simply equate people who don't look like them in those terms.


I used to work with an old Jewish guy, he anglicised his name when he came to the UK during the war in order to improve his chances of acceptance, he would have been unable to do that if he'd been a different skin colour!


I think it's recent immigrants that's the problem. As you have pointed London has always had little enclaves on immigrants since the year dot. I've never had a problem in certain parts of south london despite being the only white face in the room, they were very hospitable and we had laugh with the majority. Judging by the fact they mostly had sarf London accents they were obviously 2nd generation up.


Go a few miles east and there were no London accents, the place was a tip, the people, with one notable exception, were hostile and I couldn't wait to leave. To top it off the cheque bounced.


It's not about colour or religion.

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