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China possibly overtaking USA soon in terms of GDP

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Just a thought ,


Read an article about China possibly overtaking USA soon in terms of GDP (cant fault 'em they are hard working and clever people).

What I wonder is will they attract the same hatred from certain elements of the muslim community as has the West? and if they did what would be the likely outcome.

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That would largely depend upon the foreign policy that they choose to instigate in the case of the countries in question.


If they shove embargoes, invasions and general intolerance down the throats of the states that they deal with and then turn around to the international community and pretty much say "bite me" then they may end up as hated as the US.

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Originally posted by geronimo

Just a thought ,


Read an article about China possibly overtaking USA soon in terms of GDP (cant fault 'em they are hard working and clever people).

What I wonder is will they attract the same hatred from certain elements of the muslim community as has the West? and if they did what would be the likely outcome.


hmmm i very much doubt that will happen in the near future! most part of china is still classed as "3rd world country"!


whats GDP anyway?

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GDP I think it means Gross Domestic Product.

As for will the muslims hate the chinese like they hate the Americans,bearing in mind how many muslim Americans there are that you've probably offended.The answers got to be NO, because the Chinese have been that busy oppressing there own people for centuries they've not been inteligent enough to move out of their own boundaries and oppress somebody else's, unless you count Tibet or other small provincies/countries that can't retaliate.

And besides while they're filling the homes of the easily pleased with cheap DVD's and Telly's everybody loves them and doesn't give a tinkers cuss if they falsely imprison their own people or run over them with tanks.

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Without a doubt by the end of this century china will be the main player in the world, just by sheer numbers this is inevitable, but this is nothing to be worried about.

After all china is the oldest civilisation in the world so maybe they could teach us a few things about being civilised.

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Originally posted by billycotton

Without a doubt by the end of this century china will be the main player in the world, just by sheer numbers this is inevitable, but this is nothing to be worried about.

After all china is the oldest civilisation in the world so maybe they could teach us a few things about being civilised.


Oldest Civilisation in the world?


I would have thought that the Australian Aborigines, Egyptians and Iranians would argue with that.


In my mind , the Aussies win, with about 50,000 years of history (although some of it quite, er, fanciful - but what is history without a good legend or two)


Egypt has almost 6000 years of recorded history, compared to China's 5000 and Iran (persia)'s 8000 years of recorded history.


And China as we know it is really only an extention of the all consuming worship of bureacracy that started in the 14th century or so - and corruption is still on the increase.


The Chinese could teach the west a thing or two about playing the long game (like Hong Kong) and deferred gratification (Taoist Sex), but I think they might need a few lessons in treating people less like cattle and more like human beings.


And most of the better Oriental ideas have been cherry picked, as have the western ones (capitalism) in China.


So IMO, not the oldest civilisation in the world, by a factor of 10, and also there's not much 'they' can teach 'us' about anything.


Apart from healthcare. All that ground rhino horn and tigers foreskins, bears gall bladders and live snakes.


Oh and human rights. Executing prisoners and selling their organs is actually a good idea.


And torture.


And driving over students with tanks




Assuming your prediction of them being the main player in the world by the end of the century comes true, I think there is plenty to be worried about.


And in a sense we are all complicit, because I doubt very much any of us don't own something made by the Peoples Liberation Army (the army runs a lot of Chinese businesses, including the ones that make those cheap electronic components in every single telephone, radio, tv, computer and console in the world.

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Originally posted by Phanerothyme

Oldest Civilisation in the world?


I would have thought that the Australian Aborigines, Egyptians and Iranians would argue with that.


In my mind , the Aussies win, with about 50,000 years of history (although some of it quite, er, fanciful - but what is history without a good legend or two)



They may have been in Australia over 40,000 years, but the Aborigines never established much of a culture.


Up until the white man arrived in Australia 200 years ago, the indigenous people were still nomadic hunter gatherers. They didn't have any agriculture to speak of, they had built no permanent buildings or dwellings, used only the most basic tools/weapons and are generally regarded as one of the most primitive races of people in the world

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