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Coronation Street thread


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On 07/12/2019 at 09:55, Padders said:

Is Coronation St. getting dafter...

Robert signs the Bistro over to Michelle, 7-30 Monday night.. at 8-30 its hers signed, done and dusted.. What....

All the soaps are the same, everybody has baby's at Christmas, everybody has their own kitchens in their own houses yet go to the local cafe for a cup o' tea, go to the local pub to discuss personal matters so every one can hear them, every body who gets pregnant has to fall out with their partner and threaten to abort the baby before they get back together ETC ETC ETC ETC.

Story lines apart.

What really annoys me as a father having followed my kids and grand kids switching lights off around the house for years, the people in soap land must have a different fuel supplier to me. Why are a multitude of table lamps left on on all over their houses in the daytime?  they can be on holiday for a fortnight but the lights will still be on when they come back home. 





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  • 5 weeks later...

The storylines are sometimes so silly, and predictable, I saw the first episode as a child, it was fresh and new very watchable .At one point, I actualy stopped watching it because the storyline became slow and boring. Some plots are dragged out far to long.

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Some of the stories in Corrie are silly and they do go on for ages, but occasionally they do a hard hitting story and they handle it very well.  A  recent one is when Sinead was diagnosed with cervical cancer when she was pregnant, how she ignored the symptoms at first, then having to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy or not.  When she was told she has only months to live she has to decide how to spend her remaining weeks, at home or in a hospice.   I thought corrie deserves praise how they handled Sinead’s death.


Sadly this does happen in real life.

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On 08/01/2020 at 16:54, hauxwell said:

Some of the stories in Corrie are silly and they do go on for ages, but occasionally they do a hard hitting story and they handle it very well.  A  recent one is when Sinead was diagnosed with cervical cancer when she was pregnant, how she ignored the symptoms at first, then having to decide whether to terminate her pregnancy or not.  When she was told she has only months to live she has to decide how to spend her remaining weeks, at home or in a hospice.   I thought corrie deserves praise how they handled Sinead’s death.


Sadly this does happen in real life.


BUT isn't this the problem and all the soaps are guilty of it.

while what you are saying and their portrayal and dealing of a serious subject is commendable, most of these story lines are becoming just another way of boosting their ratings and deliberately aiming for TV awards.

The not so recent story line in Emerdale where Paddy and his miss's had to decided to turn off their child's life support would not have even been thought about as a story line if the same thing hadn't been happening and widely publicised in real life. to jump on that type of band wagon in my mind is wrong and proof that the true story line in real life was only jump't upon to archive higher ratings.

Can't we go back to a time where we don't need the usual " if you have been effected by any events in this program please contact - etc. etc."

AND while i'm at it WHY would anyone want to  move to Holly oaks???????


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 I agree with you about some storylines being done to boost their ratings but I also wonder if there is a message in them.  I can’t comment on Emmerdale or Holly Oakes as I don’t watch them but after Sinead’s battle to live it was on TV that a few young women thanked Corrie who were to scared to go for a smear test until they watched the story about her.  The actress herself who played her, who gave a compelling performance, also received emails thanking her because some woman who were scared went for a smear test and had to have treatment for irregular cells.  If there was a message in this storyline then I would like to think it’s don’t let embarrassment kill you.  


I think it is a good thing If there is a message at the end of the programme saying if you feel worried and need to speak to someone then please contact ....   



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Saw it the other night & had to laugh when Dev asked Chesney where his loyalties lay with his business or with his competitors, Freshco? 


From memory isn't Freshco a bus / car ride away yet Dev doesn't appear to have noticed or moaned about the Co-Op store just round the corner? 


You don't get any customers going into Dec's & saying, "This is 20p cheaper at the Co-Op", or anyone saying to Roy, "I'm buying my coffee in Roy's Rolls.  Not paying for the overpriced stuff in the Costa Coffee round the corner." 


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