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Dear Forum.. Assaulted by a doorman

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Where have I said it mattered???


I already implied in the OP that it wasn't the brightest thing I'd done attempting to confront the other girl. And yes I should have gone home.


So what you're saying is a doorman is entitled to assault someone??


Having read up on the job description of a doorman, it states clearly that a doorman has no other rights than the man on the street. I was attacked by this man simply because I was involved in a verbal confrontation, nothing else!


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 15:59 ----------



Thanks for that. And your opinion on the doorman assaulting me?


You're welcome. My opinion on the doorman assaulting you...if he did what he did without any verbal or physical threat from you, then that was wrong.


If you decide to post on a public forum, then its a bit difficult to justify getting upset with responses that differ from your own opinion.


Why on earth you would post any of this incident on here is beyond me. If you are taking the possible assault charge seriously, surely legal advice from a professional would be the best course of action. All the advice on here, well meant or otherwise, means nowt.

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You're welcome. My opinion on the doorman assaulting you...if he did what he did without any verbal or physical threat from you, then that was wrong.


If you decide to post on a public forum, then its a bit difficult to justify getting upset with responses that differ from your own opinion.


Why on earth you would post any of this incident on here is beyond me. If you are taking the possible assault charge seriously, surely legal advice from a professional would be the best course of action. All the advice on here, well meant or otherwise, means nowt.


Spot on.

Take note of some of the comments you dont like and adjust your story for a better chance of success because you come over as typical compo chaser.

Keep us posted on any result, the law sometimes is an ass so you just might win.

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Unless the tape has been lost, or already reused.


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 19:05 ----------



Anyone has the right to intervene to stop an assault, so long as they use no more than reasonable force.


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 19:09 ----------



It's highly unlikely that the OP (or LoobyLou) can take out a private prosecution for what is a criminal offence. Technically it's possible, but it's very uncommon.


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 19:10 ----------



What exactly was she planning to do then? Give the other girl a kiss? Have a quiet chat over coffee?


If the bouncer should loose his job for assault then what's good for the gander, etc...


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 19:11 ----------


That's not true, they are only entitled to use reasonable force, exactly the same as the police.

A court would certainly treat you as an unreliable witness if you admit to being drunk at the time (which already happened).


Sorry, I meant the strength of the force used used ie. a punch, baton strike etc does not have to be moderated.

Example. If an officer has decided to draw his baton and use it it strike someone, the force of that strike does not have to be moderated. The same as a punch, if a strike has been justified it is a full strike. The reason being that if you pull a punch or strike and it does not have the desired effect, ie end the assault, you could end up having to put in more strikes and risk injury to yourself, the person being struck Or risk further assaults etc.

That is the justification

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The requirement from the law is that any force used be reasonable (which is very vague), it makes no specific mention of punches, pushes, batons and/or using a full or a moderated strike, all such matters would be down to a jury to determine if the force used was reasonable or not.

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Wow never seen so many green eyed monsters in one place.


Some of you need to take a look at yourselves. Take the bully to the cleaners. If there's any justice the doorman should loose his licence and the OP fully compensated for her injuries. All she's done is gob off a bit.

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Metal thieves, drunks, deadbeats all causing the service huge problems affecting the vast majority of decent people. That extent of disrespect is not happening anywhere else in the world.

Nonsense. Other countries have crime, and theft, and violence, and problems with alcohol. You speak nonsense.

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Wow never seen so many green eyed monsters in one place.


Some of you need to take a look at yourselves. Take the bully to the cleaners. If there's any justice the doorman should loose his licence and the OP fully compensated for her injuries. All she's done is gob off a bit.


You're saying that we envy the OP?


Because we'd all like to be just like her? Broken collarbone, no chance of compensation, mouthy when drunk?

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I've gone back and reread the entire thread, still cannot see any justification for the doorstaff attacking a wee girl for shouting a remark to another girl. If he thought it was his business maybe he should have waited until something actually kicked off. I can't see he's got a leg to stand on here. He physically assaulted a person in the street and caused actual injury to that person by using too much aggressive force.


As for some of the comments on here, have a word with yourself. Methinks the gentlemen do protest too much. It seems like there may be some vested interests posting.

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