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Dear Forum.. Assaulted by a doorman

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I've gone back and reread the entire thread, still cannot see any justification for the doorstaff attacking a wee girl for shouting a remark to another girl. If he thought it was his business maybe he should have waited until something actually kicked off. I can't see he's got a leg to stand on here. He physically assaulted a person in the street and caused actual injury to that person by using too much aggressive force.


As for some of the comments on here, have a word with yourself. Methinks the gentlemen do protest too much. It seems like there may be some vested interests posting.


Oh no, not another assumption. How do you know she was a 'wee girl' .

I assumed she was a huge tattooed lard arse but accept I could be wrong.

Is 'pushing away' aggressive force?


See how it's possible to build a case on emotive words which can mask reality.


It's impossible for any forum member to make any assumptions as we are only presented with one side of the story.

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The legal basis for intervening when it appears that an assault is about to take place has been well explained several times.

If using reasonable force, maybe. Obviously this force was not reasonable, or it wouldn't have resulted in the outcome.


These people are supposed to be trained and licenced. If not charged with ABH/GBH, he should at least be reported to the licencing body responsible so they can have a word, and maybe give him some more training in his duties and responsibilities. And an eye kept on him for a while.

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Oh no, not another assumption. How do you know she was a 'wee girl' .

I assumed she was a huge tattooed lard arse but accept I could be wrong.

Is 'pushing away' aggressive force? ...

*sighs* ok, but you really should be capable of reading, absorbing and retaining the info given, if you're going to comment so dogmatically about something, on your own admission you can know very little about, not having been present anymore than anyone else but the OP.

I seem to remember shouting back something along the lines of, 'Come on, let's sort this out' (not 'let's be 'aving you', please note)


At a point which was approximately 6 metres from the entrance to the club, I was confronted by an associate of the club. This chap thrust his hands into my chest and launched me a good distance. I landed heavily on my side, banging my head on the pavement.


To bring this to an abrupt ending, I was taken to hospital where it was confirmed I had broken my collarbone in 2 places and had some ligament damage. I've just returned home after a lengthy operation, still in a lot of pain.

Hi all, This thread was started on my behalf. I am the victim of this assault.


As assumed throughout the replies I am a male, when in actual fact I'm a 22 year old female..


I'm a 9 stone girl and he gave me an almighty shove. No words of warning, just a full-weight push.


Oh no, not another assumption. How do you know she was a 'wee girl' . I assumed she was a huge tattooed lard arse but accept I could be wrong. Is 'pushing away' aggressive force?

See how it's possible to build a case on emotive words which can mask reality. It's impossible for any forum member to make any assumptions as we are only presented with one side of the story.

So, to end, a 22 yr old, 9 stone female, is a 'wee girl' to me, being on the wrong side of 30, the larger side of 15 stone and 6 foot plus. I don't see any justification for either the action taken by the door staff, or some of the comments bandied around on here. If she was my sister or other female relative, questions would certainly be being asked, and action taken, believe me. And I think that would go for most people, the ones who don't seem to spend most of their time on internet forums being holier than thou anyway.
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But of course she is not your sister or a female relation so you will not do anything about it. Nor will I. It's just an interlude for entertainment when one is not directly involved.

Wallow in indignation if you wish, blustering what you might have done or do what I have done, put it down as just another incident involving a drunk.


I don't actually care if the story is true or untrue, if the bouncer gets into trouble or the drunk wins or loses her case. It's just a forum soap opera and none of the posters will do anything except move on to the next posting to take their respective stands

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But of course she is not your sister or a female relation so you will not do anything about it. Nor will I. It's just an interlude for entertainment when one is not directly involved.

Wallow in indignation if you wish, blustering what you might have done or do what I have done, put it down as just another incident involving a drunk.


I don't actually care if the story is true or untrue, if the bouncer gets into trouble or the drunk wins or loses her case. It's just a forum soap opera and none of the posters will do anything except move on to the next posting to take their respective stands


If you had read the initial information as natjack did and pointed out to you, you would be agreeing with, rather than arguing with his point simply because he's put you right.


If you'd typed the above post 3 posts into the thread as a contribution to the op's plea for advice, you'd have been shot down immediately, as it has no bearing whatsoever on the op.

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That sort of plea for advice cannot be answered on a Forum. A load of conflicting opinions don't make for advice .


Very true..but I fail to see where the op asked for conflicting opinions/assumptions. I'm guessing, but hey it's a long shot...just maybe it's quite feasible the op was asking for advice based on others experience rather than assumptions/opinions.

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