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Advice for migraine and chronic headache sufferers

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I think mine are triggered when I have too much coffee/not enough water. I get the bright light and loss of vision followed by a pounding headache above my left eye. I usually just go to sleep but that's not always possible- so thanks for the medication advice :)


Mine's quite a mix and I've never managed to nail down the cause. I've had one whilst driving before.....not good when you can't see! Taking 400mg Ibuprofen as soon as I notice my vision going really does work for me, I wonder if it's because t reduces inflammation?

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Mine seem to have stopped post-menopause (one of the positive effects!). When I had them, though, I used Syndol which, although they make you feel a bit floppy, always worked (you can take two, but one works and the floppies s actually not unpleasant).

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i suffer from them when stressed, not had enough sleep or not eaten enough, and strip lights whichi cant avoid in my job, and sunlight, i get so bad, i have lie in a dark room, so light, no sound, a bowl by the bed.even a noise or light from a text will have me crying like a baby........the pain is often so bad i think about ringing an ambulance as ive been sure something must have burst in there, there has been times i have stumbled downstairs after hours of trying to sleep it off and raided the drugs box for more painkillers even before they are due or allowed, but at the time i would chop off my head to stop the banging pain in one side of my head, face, neck and eye.......anyone saying migraines are not painful i think is suffering just a bad headache. mine can also last days, after my worst one i had pain and signs for two weeks after, a trip to the out of hours doc confirmed it was a long after effect of a really bad one.........I cant even take care of my children when they strike.........its bad and people dont understand sometimes how bad


saying all that i am learning to control them, and as soon as i feel one coming on i can stop it in its tracks by taking painkillers and lying down before it gets to a piont i cant deal with.......if i am stuck with no way of getting painkillers, it will be too late and i know im in for a rough time


i would try anything anyone can advice as the docs dont seem to want to help much but telling to me avoid triggers, but stress is my life, and i cant change that,

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