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Do all men do this?

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I posted on here last week about our loo "groaning" at us when we flushed it ...


Well I found a young man that came and fixed it..(or so we thought) but its started again, also the thing that you press down on the top of the cistern is broken..:roll:


Now according to my hubby, everybody's a cowboy, he's going to do it himself...:roll::roll:


He's just gone to get a rubber washer now, he's been two days on it, and it's still groaning. Why not just get another bloomin plumber....:help:


Every man to his own job I say, but he won't listen to me, it must be a man thing cause I would sooner pay, mind we did pay £30 for nowt!!!!

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Can't you get the original plumber back as he hasn't fixed the problem you paid him £30 to fix?



I suggested that, I'll not repeat what my hubby said...::hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 14:03 ----------


Well I'm going to have to eat my words folks....he's only gone and stopped the noise, now he's going to have a go at the flush...

His words were, £1.99. And it's fixed it..:))))

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Right, phone number please, sounds like he could make a living! Flushed with success!


Ha ha, he's just retired 3 weeks ago, he's got enough to do here, I've had a half decorated living room for weeks and weeks still wants doing..


He's a clever lad though bless him..:love:


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 14:17 ----------


When my OH does this sort of thing, I tend to just leave him to it. When he gets frustrated he can't fix it, I do find it quite funny :D



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I know toilets have a lot to put up with, but I've never heard one groan before, this sounds quite serious. Have you been abusing it I wonder? :suspect:


I occasionally think I can fix things myself, but over the years I've learned that I will end up breaking something else in the process. It would have to be a pretty simple job for me to take it on myself.


Having said that, I was woken the other morning by the sound of someone peeing in our ensuite. It was quite early and it wasn't me or the wife as we were both still in bed. I immediately thought it must be one of the kids - but that didn't make sense as they would not come into our bedroom to use the toilet when there is one on the landing nearer to their room. I then thought it must be a burglar with a weak bladder. But it was neither.


The toilet suddenly took it upon itself to trickle water which sounded just like someone was using it. I went in there and lifted the lid off the cistern and pulled at something plastic inside and it stopped.


It's not done it since - but if it does I will ask your husband to get me a washer maybe?

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This thread reminds me of a family story that has perpetuated until this day. In his youth, my dad was an apprentice plumber. His mom (my nan), had a problem with the kitchen sink...Not sure what, but nothing major I don't think. So my dad, being eager to show off his new found skills to his mom said "I can fix it for you"....She replied..."Oh, no"...."I rather get a 'proper man' in to do the job".....


So the saying has kinda stuck in the family ever since...."Get a 'proper man' in" :)

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I know toilets have a lot to put up with, but I've never heard one groan before, this sounds quite serious. Have you been abusing it I wonder? :suspect:


I occasionally think I can fix things myself, but over the years I've learned that I will end up breaking something else in the process. It would have to be a pretty simple job for me to take it on myself.


Having said that, I was woken the other morning by the sound of someone peeing in our ensuite. It was quite early and it wasn't me or the wife as we were both still in bed. I immediately thought it must be one of the kids - but that didn't make sense as they would not come into our bedroom to use the toilet when there is one on the landing nearer to their room. I then thought it must be a burglar with a weak bladder. But it was neither.




The toilet suddenly took it upon itself to trickle water which sounded just like someone was using it. I went in there and lifted the lid off the cistern and pulled at something plastic inside and it stopped.


It's not done it since - but if it does I will ask your husband to get me a washer maybe?


But of course, he's a dab hand at everything toilet now...:D


---------- Post added 13-03-2013 at 15:26 ----------


This thread reminds me of a family story that has perpetuated until this day. In his youth, my dad was an apprentice plumber. His mom (my nan), had a problem with the kitchen sink...Not sure what, but nothing major I don't think. So my dad, being eager to show off his new found skills to his mom said "I can fix it for you"....She replied..."Oh, no"...."I rather get a 'proper man' in to do the job".....


So the saying has kinda stuck in the family ever since...."Get a 'proper man' in" :)


Love it.::hihi::hihi:

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