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Gas bill, this can't be right.

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Gas prices will probably go up again this summer, our gas storage has run lower than normal due to this cold weather, so will want replacing, I believe that some extra has already been bought in but at a higher cost.

The gas will be bought in the summer when demand is lower so the cost will drop but from another blog as this guy puts it:-


'I would expect that summer prices for natural gas will be lower than present prices, this is normally the case that prices drop at times of lower demand.


I would however expect that prices this summer will be appreciably higher than in previous summers.

We will need to purchase large volumes in order to fill the nearly empy storage, and that alone will tend to drive up prices.

I would also expect that neighbouring countries will have depleted reserves and will be buying more than usual for refilling.


UK gas demand is liable to be high this summer as compared to previous summers due to the closure of coal burning power plants and consequent increase in gas burning for electricity production.


Any brief interuption to imports, as might be caused by industrial disputes, bad weather or accidents, will require a still higher level of imports for the rest of the summer to "catch up"


No surprise there then:(

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OP - If your meter is read regularly then this should have been highlighted months ago.

Its only when your bill is estimated over a long period when increase in usgae aren't picked up.

As has been suggested, check your previous bills. If you haven't got then ask EDF for copies.

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