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Lord Ahmed the criminal, convicted killer and now Antisemit!

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Either way: well done to the Times. It recorded Lord A's speech, had it translated by four independent agencies, to ensure absolute and unimpeachable accuracy, and made it front-page news today. Lord A said that he could not recall the speech. What a surprise.

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If they're cut from the same cloth then why are you critcising Ahmed? As you once voted NF and they're the most anti-semitic and pro-Hitler party going then you must also support Ahmed.

I voted NF once back in the early 70's why would doing that that far back make me anti semitic ? you do talk some dross,you are the one that continually defends a section of the community who,by definition from their holy scriptures,are rabidly anti semitic surely that fact alone makes you more of a Hitler supporter and far right fascist than I could ever be,I admit to my mistake from 40 odd years ago and it was a unique occurence that has never been repeated to this day,it seems you still experience the calling of your bigotry and far right/facist connections by your continued defense of the most anti semitic people in history.

As I said cut from the same cloth

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Either way: well done to the Times. It recorded Lord A's speech, had it translated by four independent agencies, to ensure absolute and unimpeachable accuracy, and made it front-page news today. Lord A said that he could not recall the speech. What a surprise.


Agreed, utterly contemptible stuff that should be in the rotten landfill of history.

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I voted NF once back in the early 70's why would doing that that far back make me anti semitic ?


Yes it would. The NF's own website says "White nationalist organisation founded in 1967 in opposition to multi-racialism and immigration." The swastika is the favoured emblem of the NF and anyone who votes for it must do so knowing about its anti-semitism. Therefore you're anti-semitic.

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Yes it would. The NF's own website says "White nationalist organisation founded in 1967 in opposition to multi-racialism and immigration." The swastika is the favoured emblem of the NF and anyone who votes for it must do so knowing about its anti-semitism. Therefore you're anti-semitic.


...assuming glamrocker read their website in the early 70s. :D


Opposing multi-culturalism and immigration does not mean someone is anti-semitic. They might be, and IMO often are, but it certainly doesn't follow as a certainty.

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...assuming glamrocker read their website in the early 70s. :D


Opposing multi-culturalism and immigration does not mean someone is anti-semitic. They might be, and IMO often are, but it certainly doesn't follow as a certainty.


Anyone around in the 70s knew what the NF stood for. They stood for Adolf Hitler.

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Anyone around in the 70s knew what the NF stood for. They stood for Adolf Hitler.


Did the NF manifesto call for annexation of the Sudetenland?


You seem to confuse

A party's policies,

A member's personal view, and

A voter's personal view.


These are three separate entities, and are not necessarily the same.


Why do you feel the need to pigeonhole people?

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I voted NF once back in the early 70's why would doing that that far back make me anti semitic ? you do talk some dross,you are the one that continually defends a section of the community who,by definition from their holy scriptures,are rabidly anti semitic



How can that be?

History shows us that when the PROPER Quranic and Prophetic traditions were manifested, Jews and people of other faiths (Christianity included) lived in peace.


Zion Zohar, a Jewish Historian, expressed similar sentiments in his book ‘Sephardic & Mizrahi Jewry:


“Thus, when Muslims crossed the straits of Gibraltar from North Africa in 711 CE and invaded the Iberian Peninsula, Jews welcomed them as liberators from Christian Persecution.”


Reinhart Dozy, an authority on early Islamic Spain, says:


“…the unbounded tolerance of the Arabs must also be taken into account. In religious matters they put pressure on no man…Christians preferred their rule to that of the Franks.”


Heinrich Graetz, a 19th century Jewish historian says:


“It was in these favourable circumstances that the Spanish Jews came under the rule of Mahometans, as whose allies they esteemed themselves the equals of their co-religionists in Babylonia and Persia. They were kindly treated, obtained religious liberty, of which they had so long been deprived, were permitted to exercise jurisdiction over their co-religionists


So Islam per se, based on the Quran and authentic traditions, can not be anti-Semitism.


The Islamic State is not permitted to attack non-Muslims who are not hostile to Islam, who do not oppress Muslims, or try to convert Muslims by force from their religion, or expel them from their lands, or wage war against them, or prepare for attacks against them. If any of these offenses occurs, however, Muslims are permitted to defend themselves and protect their religion.


The problem is many people like yourself, run to anti Islamic web pages or think they know all about Islam because of Shaikh Google etc.


I have said it before- do some proper reading and research before trying to put all Muslims in one basket- negative actions of a few does not mean the way of the religion's teaching.

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