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Anybody had any success with hypnotherapy?

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Yeah Mr Smith, this is the conclusion I have come to. I think I am going to purchase one of those £7 hypnotherapy CDs/mp3s for my problem that I can listen to over and over. More likely to work knowing that I have only dished out £7 rather than a whopping £85 for an appointment.


Yep, u read that right, £85.


A fool and his money are easily parted.


To put it in context, my physio who has a degree from Birmingham Uni , various other qualifications, 25 years experience charges £50 an hour and she is excellent. I feel royally ripped off over hypnotherapy.


Anyway, this thread probably will make some hypnotherapists very angry. Hey, if it works for some people and they are happy with the cost, then good job!



At least you know you aren't gullible, then again you still intend to buy a CD which stil won't work. :D

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I had one session with a hypnotherapist in 1995 to help me stop smoking - and it worked. I don't think I'm gullible, but it was something I was determined to do, but felt I needed help. It was the best money I'd ever spent on anything relating to cigarettes. I'd been smoking for over 30 years, and was on over 20 a day. I've not had, or wanted a cigarette ever since.


Apart from the obvious health benefits, I've saved a fortune. The cost of the session seemed expensive at the time, it might have been around £50 (can't remember). I don't know how anyone, except the very well off, can afford branded cigs nowadays. If I still smoked my 20 B&H a day, I'd be about £50 a week worse off. That's a lot of money to go up in smoke. :)

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wow! That's amazing. I bet that is the best £50 you ever spent. So pleased it worked for you. :)


Know what u mean about great money spent. Best money I ever spent was £90 at a Sheffield dentist's about 4 years ago to have composites put on my very gappy teeth. My teeth look perfect now, like I have had thousands spent on cosmetic dentistry. And it was only £90! It was down to my very skillful and competent dentist. Best money I have ever spent. :)

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I have tried a session but am debating whether to continue. At the moment I am not impressed. It is as I feared. There don't seem to be any formal qualifications. See this article about a cat that was registered as a hypnotherapist!




The profession seems to attract all manner of wide boys. No wonder, they charge £70/£80+ a session. Why so expensive? Is it because the customer is unlikely to return after the first session? My accountant doesn't even charge that much. I looked at some of these hypnotherapy courses and it takes only 11 weekends to get "qualified".


So, the point is this, I am not trying to slag off any person's career or job but has anybody actually had good results from hypnotherapy? What was it for? Or do you feel like you were just getting fleeced for a whole lotta cash?


Do any hypnotherapists have a record of being employed by the NHS? This would give me slightly more faith in their credentials.


So, any hypnotherapists, don't take a load of offence, but I think my scepticism is justified.

Just spotted this thread and thought you might be interested if you havn't allready seen it.

Although its an old thread it has some informative comments and has been posted on in the last couple of days >> http://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/showthread.php?t=130730&page=5

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I considered hypnotism for smoking a few years ago. I researched it and found some horror stories. There was one lady who had been hypnotised on a stage while on holiday and was told to make whirring noises like a washing machine when she heard the trigger word.

Several months later she was still making the whirring noises when she heard the trigger word. She worked with members of the public and so it was both very unprofessional and embarrassing for her. At the time that I read the story she was taking legal action against the hypnotist.

I guess that the moral here is that if you allow someone to "mess" with your brain, make sure that they are professionally qualified first. Better still, grow a pair and face your demons without assistance.:)

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I considered hypnotism for smoking a few years ago. I researched it and found some horror stories. There was one lady who had been hypnotised on a stage while on holiday and was told to make whirring noises like a washing machine when she heard the trigger word.

Several months later she was still making the whirring noises when she heard the trigger word. She worked with members of the public and so it was both very unprofessional and embarrassing for her. At the time that I read the story she was taking legal action against the hypnotist.

I guess that the moral here is that if you allow someone to "mess" with your brain, make sure that they are professionally qualified first. Better still, grow a pair and face your demons without assistance.:)

I don't think stage hypnotism for entertainment can be compared with one to one hypnotism for treatment of an addiction or some other condition.

As i said earlier it didn't work for me for smoking,but it obviously has for others if you've read through the thread.


I thought the other thread provided in the link on my last post offered some insight into the reasons to be cautious with some reasonable questioning from the sceptics who quite rightly had reasons to be suspicious of someone promoting their own hypnotherapy service.

My view is that they should provide a free consultation appointment beforehand.

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