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Sheffield Clarion Ramblers


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David Sissons.- I'll pop in a week after next then we can make more arrangements.

Gaye. - If you are able to gather your material together, preferably copies, I personally can not see any reason why any and everything about the Clarion should not be available on a Web Site for ALL to read in comfort.

It also protects material from becoming, ' Private items available to the ones who can afford to see them '. I must have paid upwards of £400-500.00 for the Sheffield Clarion Handbooks which I've obtained. When a site is done, I want them to go to the Sheffield Library. Anyone else wanting to come aboard. Just say so.

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My Grandfather was a member of the Clarion Club, he died in the early 1940's. His name was William Henry allford, he used to go on the moors Trespass walks and was an early member of the Labour Party. If anyone comes across his name can you let me know? Thanks.

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David Sissons.- I'll pop in a week after next then we can make more arrangements.

Gaye. - If you are able to gather your material together, preferably copies, I personally can not see any reason why any and everything about the Clarion should not be available on a Web Site for ALL to read in comfort.

It also protects material from becoming, ' search for private items available to the ones who can afford to see them '. I must have paid upwards of £400-500.00 for the Sheffield Clarion Handbooks which I've got. When a site is done, I want them to go to the Sheffield Library. Anyone else wanting to come aboard. Just say so.


, my daughter has started to draught the web site. Would like to talk to you about this ,and about the written material and the many photos I have .

and of course what other information you have beside the ramblers Handbooks

The material I have dates from 1909 to the 1970's and covers many aspects of the Clarion Fellowship wincobank, Club House Dore Moor, Vocal Union, Cycling club, Clarion Players. I live in Sheffield and visit the library Surrey St frequently.

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I note from the Star that the Sheffield Clarion Club are passing close by where its founder member G.H.B.Ward lived during this Sundays walk.

May I ask someone to take a photo with his home in the background for possibly using in a future web site. I'm certain that if a number are taken,

a ballot of the clubs members could indicate which one to use.

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, my daughter has started to draught the web site. Would like to talk to you about this ,and about the written material and the many photos I have .

and of course what other information you have beside the ramblers Handbooks

The material I have dates from 1909 to the 1970's and covers many aspects of the Clarion Fellowship wincobank, Club House Dore Moor, Vocal Union, Cycling club, Clarion Players. I live in Sheffield and visit the library Surrey St frequently.


I've had my operation and. I'll call to see David Sissons next week.

So it will be 'All Go' now and your daughters web site writing experience should stand her in good stead for a masters degree when its finished!!

I firmly believe that we owe to the Ramblers of the early 1900 a web site that will ensure that they are never ever forgotten and thier written or graphic work they left behind dose not become a speculators, 'Quick Buck'.

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If you let me know day and time you are visiting Mr Sissons I could meet you at library, any day but wednesday.

My interest is not in the clarion ramblers , as much has been already written about them , but in the other branches of the clarion movement that existed in Sheffield.

My documents / photos, cover the Clarion fellowship Wincobank 1909 /26 (where Ward is recorded as taking the chair at one of their meetings), the Clarion Club House, Dore Moor 1920 / 1970's ( which was not part of the G B H Ward ramblers , though Ward himself was a shareholder ) . and the Clarion Cycling Club earliest photo 1910 to 1950's.

My wish is to see all the above , along with the ramblers , under the same umbrella i.e. ' SHEFFIELD CLARION ' , or at least linked in some way .

Both sets of grand parents ,and my parents ,were involved with the Clarion movement all their adult lives. which is why I have so much inf.

Have tried to speak to Mr Simmons on my visits to the library quite a few times but he has always been out.

Look forward to hearing from you


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