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I got a few books, read up, ignored what I didn't want and started meditating a few months ago.

(:rolleyes: No that doesn't mean I've been meditating non stop since then!:rolleyes: )

I centre on my breathing, no formal religous aspect and no chanting.

Whilst I have no problem with what I'm doing, just wondered if there were any classes out there that could help in refining my practice.

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I had been through a situation where I'd been stressed out, but had come out the other side. Looking back at it I realised how stressed I had been and realised I didn't want to get like it again.


At that point the stress had dissipated (and I had a few minutes a day) so it seemed like the perfect time to look at introducing it to my life.


I've read a quite a few places where people start to help with depression etc. That wasn't me.


I can't say exactly why it seems to work for me, but it does. Thats good enough for now.

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I get embarrassed and go red quite easily and read a book recently that suggested relaxation methods to stop the process in its tracks when I can feel it starting. I took a couple of the suggestions, and it seems to work so far. Not sure I'd want to do meditation as such, but its amazing the power the mind can have!

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