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What really gets your back up about SF members?

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What really gets me wound up is when you start a thread and you always get at least one person who is either trying to be funny or just being a complete D**K replying with stupid answers or hurtful comments yeah you can report them and I do but that's not the point.


Something else that's annoying is when someone posts on the wanted section e.g.

' Wanted - "bike" Cash waiting '


I mean what else is waiting?

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Just add muslim apologists and your post would seemingly cover any aspect of members on here


Oh come on.


Almost exclusively those bandying about the 'Muslim apologists' mantra are those very same people who criticise Muslims and when asked for contextual, scriptural sources for that criticism go quiet altogether or at best post out of context one liners to back up a skewed understanding of the religion.


There is plenty of genuine criticism that can be levelled against Islam in my opinion, I have yet to see any of it given by those who clearly have an agenda against the religion on this forum.

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The ones that can't hack an argument and have to resort to using the report button to get your post removed because they can't agree with it. That and the ease of capitulation to the misuse of the report button. I have been the victim of this in the past week or so.

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Apart from trolling which would be the obvious thing to mention, what else really gets your back up about Sheffield forum members? Personally, I find it really annoying when posters decide to log off or switch threads the moment their argument begins to fall apart during a heated debate.


I also find it nauseating whenever I read the insincere pretentious flannel that I've come to expect from certain members who always manage to say all the right things while somehow appearing to simultaneously have no bones whatsoever about revealing the darker side to their personality then unleash it on anyone that has the audacity to disagree or hold an alternative view that might be considered bigoted, prejudicial or remotely racist.


And I'll finish on those that have the mob mentality who consider it acceptable to routinely gang up on, ridicule and throw petty insults at solitary members simply because of their personal beliefs and/or their personal thoughts on spiritualism and the supernatural. Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for typing it how you see it providing there's consistency and a at least a trace of sincerity in what you type. Otherwise it's nothing more than insincere pretentious flannel and mob handed bullying.


In answer to the OP......People that take a thread completely off track..:roll:

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When people use abbreviations for some ones name or a place etc,

They seem to think that every one SHOULD know what the hell they are on about.



What about acronyms which people quote but do not know-BFN?


PS If anyone can translate BFN there is an IOU waiting.

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