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UKIP Are The Party Of HATE!

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I like the cut of Mr Farage's jib. I will be voting for UKIP come the next election. Could any Party be as bad as NEW LIEbour were during their tenure in office. Open borders for 13 years changed the face of our Country forever.




If we had truly open borders then why did we also have illegal immigrants?

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If we had truly open borders then why did we also have illegal immigrants?


Good point.


And if UKIP are a truly libertarian party as it claims to be - why is it hostile to the free movement of labour and gay marraige?

I expect UKIP appeals to those strange people whose biggest complaint about modern Britain is that you can't call black or gay people names anymore because of the Human Rights Act :roll:

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Good point.


And if UKIP are a truly libertarian party as it claims to be - why is it hostile to the free movement of labour and gay marraige?

I expect UKIP appeals to those strange people whose biggest complaint about modern Britain is that you can't call black or gay people names anymore because of the Human Rights Act :roll:


I am yet to hear the official line from UKIP or one of their supporters on what their particular brand of libertarianism constitutes and how it explains some glaring policy inconsistencies and contradictions, so I am very skeptical to say the least.


I do seem to encounter a fair few UKIP supporters whose human rights rhetoric seems to have been fed through Daily Mail headline generation software prior to posting. Where is the appreciation, for example, of how the human rights agenda has informed comprehensive child protection legislation?

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I think most British people are proud of our multiculturalism . However , NewLiebor have been trying for so long to cowe ordinary people into submission over a level of immigration that is clearly unsustainable and have made people afraid to speak out over what is essentially an accountancy issue ( supply versus demand and available resources ) . This is not a racist issue at all , it's called being realistic .


Incidentally , I would be interested to hear Gordon Brown's response to Ed Milliband's latest party political broadcast concerning immigration ( ie jumping on the bandwagon ) " What a bigot?" Still waiting Gordon ...


Am watching out for 31 March this year to see if Co-Op give a further £50,000 to the " office of Ed Balls" , if so will be moving my money yet again !!! Bloody politicians !

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Yet UKIP numbers many of those last-mentioned three groups amongst its members, rather disproving the allegation!


Not at all,but it does demonstrate that many members of the three groups cannot detect an underlying antipathy to their conduct and orientation.Many members of racial minority groups oppose further immigration,despite benefiting themselves from a relaxed stance.It is a form of nimbyism-a selfish short-sighted viewpoint.Similarly many gay people in the past have supported the status quo ,endorsing homophobic policies eg Matthew Parrish,a former MP.

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Not at all,but it does demonstrate that many members of the three groups cannot detect an underlying antipathy to their conduct and orientation.Many members of racial minority groups oppose further immigration,despite benefiting themselves from a relaxed stance.It is a form of nimbyism-a selfish short-sighted viewpoint.Similarly many gay people in the past have supported the status quo ,endorsing homophobic policies eg Matthew Parrish,a former MP.


Not really, I would think for most people, myself included, go back just two or three generations and there will be at least one first generation immigrant.


One of my grandparents was from the continent, does this mean I shouldn't be against immigration, just because I have some immigrant blood in my veins? It's a classical tactic used to close down debate on immigration, implication being hardly anybody should be against immigration because of any ancestral immigrant roots ad if you are you're some kind of hypocrite, which in a modern day democracy, is clearly bonkers.


EDIT: Even Miliband is admitting Labour got it wrong on immigration, despite being from immigrant stock.

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Yes I can.The coalition are committed to a laissez-faire policy,whereas the Labour will seek to strengthen the industrial base by issuing directives to public bodies,and will strengthen the powers of consumer watchdogs like Oftwat.


Really ? That's a big change from the party that had Gordon "..a light regulatory touch on finicial services" brown as its leader.

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