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UKIP Are The Party Of HATE!

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Really? So the meeting between Rupert Murdoch and Nigel Farage which the Telegraph reported as;


"Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, held a private dinner with Rupert Murdoch earlier this week in which he suggested he would form an electoral pact with the Conservatives if the Prime Minister stepped down."


never took place?




A holy trinity of Farage,Murdoch and May?I can think of few less appealing combinations,other than a reunion of Peter,Paul and Mary.

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Really? So the meeting between Rupert Murdoch and Nigel Farage which the Telegraph reported as;


"Nigel Farage, the leader of the UK Independence Party, held a private dinner with Rupert Murdoch earlier this week in which he suggested he would form an electoral pact with the Conservatives if the Prime Minister stepped down."


never took place?




They were just checking Camerloons ejector seat, Farage is well aquainted with hard landings, and Murdoch just wanted to know which parachute string to cut.

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I think most British people are proud of our multiculturalism . However , NewLiebor have been trying for so long to cowe ordinary people into submission over a level of immigration that is clearly unsustainable and have made people afraid to speak out over what is essentially an accountancy issue ( supply versus demand and available resources ) . This is not a racist issue at all , it's called being realistic .


Incidentally , I would be interested to hear Gordon Brown's response to Ed Milliband's latest party political broadcast concerning immigration ( ie jumping on the bandwagon ) " What a bigot?" Still waiting Gordon ...


Am watching out for 31 March this year to see if Co-Op give a further £50,000 to the " office of Ed Balls" , if so will be moving my money yet again !!! Bloody politicians !


That's very admirable but why in their election manifesto did UKIP promise not support multiculturalism and promote one, common British culture?


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I think UKIP have been right about Europe. What's in the news of late shows they were right. I seems to me that any union of this nature can only benefit the poorer nations. I mean how many Germans or British want to go to live and work in Romania or Bulgaria, the wages are poor and the lifestyle worse than that of their homelands... I read somewhere that wages are ten times higher here. Perhaps if we could go and earn 70 quid an hour abroad we'd all be off. But the reality is we can't.


European union means we'll get poorer and the other nations will get richer. All the progress we've made is gradually being eroded and we'll be back to square one, soon...


Then, of course, who would want to go and live on benefit in one of these places? Nobody.

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Hmmm , so Nick Clegg is now turning the Lib Dems into the "party of HATE" by starting to discuss immigration ..... you couldn't make it up . Are all these recent U-turns from all the main parties legal ?


Could it be partly due to UKIP's Lawrence Webb winning an election in Havering Council Greater London by-election ? To my mind , UKIP say what they mean , while career politicians say what they think people want to hear in order to get votes , that's why I no longer respect them .


As for that political set-up by LIEBOR on Question Time involving Labour party activist Emily Rutland ( watch Youtube , UKIP "disgusting" Question Time), take this as an example of how dirty labour are prepared to play when they feel threatened . I want a party that says what it means and sticks to it regardless of the smears and bbc bias that promote such smears . Call me simple , but what about a bit of honesty for a change ?

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Could it be partly due to UKIP's Lawrence Webb winning an election in Havering Council Greater London by-election ? To my mind , UKIP say what they mean , while career politicians say what they think people want to hear in order to get votes , that's why I no longer respect them .



UKIP don't say what they mean. They daren't do that.


They say what they think people want to hear.

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Hmmm , so Nick Clegg is now turning the Lib Dems into the "party of HATE" by starting to discuss immigration ..... you couldn't make it up . Are all these recent U-turns from all the main parties legal ?


Could it be partly due to UKIP's Lawrence Webb winning an election in Havering Council Greater London by-election ? To my mind , UKIP say what they mean , while career politicians say what they think people want to hear in order to get votes , that's why I no longer respect them .


As for that political set-up by LIEBOR on Question Time involving Labour party activist Emily Rutland ( watch Youtube , UKIP "disgusting" Question Time), take this as an example of how dirty labour are prepared to play when they feel threatened . I want a party that says what it means and sticks to it regardless of the smears and bbc bias that promote such smears . Call me simple , but what about a bit of honesty for a change ?


What do they mean by libertarian?


I asked at the time, there are no rules to prevent party activists from appearing in the Question Time audience - the simplest explanation can be the right one - no conspiracy, bias or collusion necessary.

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No conspiracy my arse , I understand that young Amy spent the day with the LIEBOR MP on the Question Time panel who then proceeded not to acknowedge her , and David Dimblebeeeee also gave the UKIP candidate an extremely hard time .


Gerald in the Full Monty got turned on by watching wildlife programmes . Do you think that Liebor activists of the ilk of Amy Rutland get turned on by watching brutal Labour lions turning in force against a lone UKIP deer ? Talk about bullying . It makes me deeply uncomfortable . I do not like bullying - FULL STOP .

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No conspiracy my arse , I understand that young Amy spent the day with the LIEBOR MP on the Question Time panel who then proceeded not to acknowedge her , and David Dimblebeeeee also gave the UKIP candidate an extremely hard time .


Gerald in the Full Monty got turned on by watching wildlife programmes . Do you think that Liebor activists of the ilk of Amy Rutland get turned on by watching brutal Labour lions turning in force against a lone UKIP deer ? Talk about bullying . It makes me deeply uncomfortable . I do not like bullying - FULL STOP .


What evidence do you have that anything untoward took place apart from your personal view of events?


And what about libertarian?

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No conspiracy my arse , I understand that young Amy spent the day with the LIEBOR MP on the Question Time panel who then proceeded not to acknowedge her , and David Dimblebeeeee also gave the UKIP candidate an extremely hard time .


Gerald in the Full Monty got turned on by watching wildlife programmes . Do you think that Liebor activists of the ilk of Amy Rutland get turned on by watching brutal Labour lions turning in force against a lone UKIP deer ? Talk about bullying . It makes me deeply uncomfortable . I do not like bullying - FULL STOP .


I've nothing to add to this post. I'm simply quoting it so that it still exists tomorrow morning after you have decided to delete your post.


Paranoid nonsense, from a bunch of losers?

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