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UKIP Are The Party Of HATE!

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I will be happy to once you have answered the perfectly reasonable contextualisation questions I have asked. I have never said that I would not. I have no interest in reading it but I certainly will if you show why I should read a useless and defunct document from a 'washed up' party.


I am sure you can post a link without fear it will be removed.


By the way, what am I?


And I will answer when you give me a idea on the BNP document. Its not hard.

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And I will answer when you give me a idea on the BNP document. Its not hard.


Why should I read it?


If I were to ask you to read 'Heart of Darkness', 'The Drowned and the Saved' and 'Howl' and then comment would you do it or ask me why?


Secondly, the question about whether or not you think national socialism has a place in the world is not related to the BNP manifesto so why not answer that?

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Why should I read it?


If I were to ask you to read 'Heart of Darkness', 'The Drowned and the Saved' and 'Howl' and then comment would you do it or ask me why?


Secondly, the question about whether or not you think national socialism has a place in the world is not related to the BNP manifesto so why not answer that?


Because its pertinent to this thread.

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Because its pertinent to this thread.


So are 'The Drowned and the Saved', 'The Investigation' by Peter Weiss, the UKIP manifesto, anything written about Unity Valkyrie Mitford, KKK propaganda and all the BNP related threads on this board.


Would you read them if I asked you to or would you ask why?


Now, what about national socialism? Does it have a place in modern society? If I am going to read the political rhetoric you recommend to me I think I deserve to know a little about your political standpoint.

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So are 'The Drowned and the Saved', 'The Investigation' by Peter Weiss, the UKIP manifesto, anything written about Unity Valkyrie Mitford, KKK propaganda and all the BNP related threads on this board.


Would you read them if I asked you to or would you ask why?


Now, what about national socialism? Does it have a place in modern society? If I am going to read the political rhetoric you recommend to me I think I deserve to know a little about your political standpoint.


Yes. Now read it for god sake.

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If ukip are the party of hate , how come they have a bulgarian speaker at their conference ? Have watched quite a bit of it , Paul Nuttal , Jeremy Nicholson etc


Seems some damn good , intelligent speakers who know exactly what they are talking about , everything is well thought through by people at grass roots level . We need some common sense in this country .


have been out leafleting for ukip and have had generally positive responses , but a couple of openly hostile reactions which I can only put down to "cognitive dissonance"

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Why even post then. This is a debate about far right politics. I am showing you that 'far right' politics is not the domain of nazis. Please read. Thank you.


That's exactly what it is; so far you haven't shown anything to contradict that.

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have been out leafleting for ukip and have had generally positive responses , but a couple of openly hostile reactions which I can only put down to "cognitive dissonance"


Meanwhile, the rest of us can put your misinterpretation down to " denial".

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If ukip are the party of hate , how come they have a bulgarian speaker at their conference ?


have been out leafleting for ukip and have had generally positive responses , but a couple of openly hostile reactions which I can only put down to "cognitive dissonance"


How long have you suffered from cognitive dissonance?


One Bulgarian doesn't prove UKIP are tolerant. Even Hitler spared one Jew;



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Yes. Now read it for god sake.


You still haven't explained why I should read the manifesto of a 'washed up' party.


Or provided a link.


It is also quite odd that you are suggesting that your goal is to show that right-wing politics is not peopled exclusively by nazis yet you are a self-proclaimed proponent of national socialism.

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