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UKIP Are The Party Of HATE!

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No matter the smart suits and that posh boy leader - UKIP are the modern day fascist black shirts.


Enoch would be proud.


What a silly statement... What has Farage said that you find so offensive? Quotes please.

It is the BNP who are the Fscists.... nothing to do with UKIP.


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 16:25 ----------


'' make the user look weak minded and somewhat intellectually challenged.''


What? Like comparing UKIP to the Taliban? lol!


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 16:33 ----------


UKIP has got the Tories and Labour running scared. Even our home secretary has muted at getting rid of the dangerous (and IMO, hideously abused) Human Rights legislation and Cameron has had little option but to give us a referendum on our membership in Europe - possibly hoping that the day will never actually come.


I changed from Conservative to UKIP for a number of reasons, none of which was based on issues of race or culture.


We are full up. Even today, reports in the news that there are no places left for children in our schools. We have to stop people coming into the country, black, white, yellow, striped or silver;


ECHR - Has given solicitors cart blanch to ride roughshod over our legal system, defending the 'rights' of criminals, illegal immigrants, murderers and rapists at the behest of the honest majority;


Green Taxes/Wind Farms - A cash cow (one which hopefully does not produce too much methane) and an attempt to destroy our countryside by siting these ugly things in areas of outstanding beauty. Look at 'green taxes' - add them up! Another rip-off!!;


Pay-in before you can expect to get something out: what it says. Works for five years, pay your taxes and then yes, receive free access to the NHS, housing and other benefits.


Most of these sound common sense to me and going on recent polls, to many others too. But hey, easier to shout me down as a racist and try and deny the fact that something needs to be done to this over-packed, decaying, over-priced and over-taxed country.


WELL SAID THAT MAN/WOMAN as you say, this country is full up..we have absolutely no more room for people who 'need support.'

Time to do what they do in Australia and Canada (no Taliban there.)

You can't get in there without 'paying a massive bond', and have to have a 'proffession that the country needs' and a 'job to go to'.


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 16:51 ----------


I don't think you're necessarily racist by the way. But the UKIP argument doesn't stand up, without immigration the city and the country would collapse.


If UKIP came up with some sensible policies then I might listen, but until then they are just a one line party led by a bigoted glory seeking wannabe and made up of middle aged male right-wing 'eccentrics'.

More like a circus side show then proper party.


---------- Post added 15-03-2013 at 12:05 ----------




It's common knowledge Cameron is too centre-right for a vast majority of tory back benchers. I can see the conservative vote being sabotaged by UKIP and all those cheated Lib dem voters and ultimately Labour winning by a clear majority in 2015.


Not Labour supporting by the way, it just looks like that's the way the vote will go at this point. 2 years is a long time in politics though.


On a side note interesting to see Farage was angling for a LABOUR-UKIP coalition the other day! that would be an odd couple if ever there was one.



''Without immigration the city and the country would collapse''

How do you work that one out? Sounds like

Corporate Media propaganda to me......

Surely the jobs vacated would be filled by the

indiginous 3 million who are looking for work?


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 17:00 ----------


well said ousetunes

Criminals have more rights than their victims they claim they are deprived of their human rights but do not seem to care about the human rights of all the people they have mugged, rapped, murdered or burgled but they whine at the first attack on their own.

People who have no respect for the human rights of others should not expect anyone to care about their own how can there be any chance of getting the crime figures down if we are to afraid to punish anyone and they know they will get away with it with a slap on the wrist?

Liberalism is killing this society

The more liberal we become the more you cannot say is that not the opposite of what it was supposed to do?


Wll said John Cocker. Comes to something when criminals would rather be in prison than out. Plama TV's in every room. Gym. Access to all education, which you would have to pay for. Doctors, Optitians, and Dentists... all free. Paid to work in the kitchens. Access to drugs, cigarettes and booze.... and sex. Plus money saved on account for when they leave... and then accomodation found and support given. The only thing limited is their ability to rob and maim us.

Makes me wonder, who are the fools?

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Like any party, you find within the ranks intelligent, well reasoned moral crusaders and the more, shall we say, "bought and paid for" creatures of special interests.


UKIP is no exception. For example, in spite of whether you align with him ideologically, who could fault Godfrey Bloom's analysis of the proposed EU E-cig regulations?


"There are more than 10,000 lobbyists in Brussels, all funded by big business to form alliances with bureaucrats and politicians in order to stitch up the punters. It seemed obvious to us initially that the tobacco barons had used their not inconsiderable muscle to keep people smoking the real thing but no, the end game benefits 'big pharma'. If it is medical they can clamp their iron grip on state health systems to corner the market and sell the product at five times the cost."


Big pharma? Big business? Tobacco barons? Sounds like the rhetoric of a cynical lefty. But actually, it's just a pragmatic lambasting of how the world of politics and business converges to serve specific economic agendas.

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Sigh... you have not provided the evidence you were asked for. You have simply made statements that do not substantiate the original point you made.


When asked to clarify the relevance of what you claim is evidence you say you cannot talk about it because this is a family forum.


So I will ask again - why act in this manner if you want an intelligent discussion?


Please try and make some sense.


I agree with this statement where's the proof?


---------- Post added 05-04-2013 at 21:22 ----------


the time is coming for UKIP and i for one cant wait!! hardly the party of hate:huh: more the party of common sense:o


If we pull out of the EU even better, I can think of numerous ways the £40 million a day we contribute to the EU can go, hospitals, medical research..to name but two.


Instead we are bankrolling Spain, Greece and Cyprus because they can't manage their money properly, er no thanks and paying a numpty called Blair who never had a clue about managing the UK finances so what in hell's chance has he of doing the job and balancing the books in the EU...fun times ahead

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