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UKIP Are The Party Of HATE!

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at the last election for the first time in my 50 years on this planet i voted and my vote was for ukip,ive never felt the need to vote before because in my eyes Politicians are all just a bunch of lying stuck up toe rags,between them they are turning our green and pleasant into one large cess pit,the people that are coming here are creating the slums of their homelands and it saddens me to think what lays ahead for my grandsons...i'm not sure if ukip could do anything to halt the slide because in my opinion we are past the point of no return but they couldn't do any worse than the lilly liverd excuse for leaders we have in charge now.


before the usual liberal nanby pamby lot jump on me calling me a racist save your breath because i'm not,thousands of immigrants come to this country and contribute to society but hundreds of thousands turn up and contribute jack,there's only so much in the pot and its running out fast and the people that contribute to the said pot are the losers every time. :rant:

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calm down.........i'm not a jack boot seig heiglin full on nazi.........i'm saying ive watched a 40 year old tv series that ive not seen before and on the hole i think the wrong side won......i'm sure 50 odd familes down london around 2007 might agree..


before the usual liberal nanby pamby lot jump on me calling me a racist save your breath because i'm not..


So you think Hitler should have won WW2 but you're not a racist. Of course.

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oh how my sides hurt from laughing:loopy:


---------- Post added 15-03-2013 at 08:12 ----------



oh i agree with you they all talk a good talk, but really can they do any worse than Liebour did in the last 13 or so years, and this useless and teethless coalition is not much better, the country needs someone strong with common sense and who knows what the majority in the Uk wants.


Would you care to share what it is that the majority of us apparently want?


And how UKIP would provide that?

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We already have one person one vote.

It does not work like that.


---------- Post added 16-03-2013 at 12:52 ----------


The Kray twins believe that you should take care of your mum;so do the vast majority of people...and rightly so!

The Kray twins would not have been around to take care? of any one if Germany had won the war.

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would be eazy to get rid of Ukip.


Labour needs to represent the working class (not the scrounging class)


Conservatives need to represent people richer working class (not the rich liberals)


Lib Dem need to jump on any bandwagon and support weird policys like gay marrage.


When that happens, UKip will be made extinct

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i think europe would have been a better place had germany won the war


Do you think UKIP would support that point of view or consider it an embarrassment and distance themselves from you about as far as they possibly could?


I can think of one UKIP activist from these parts who may take massive and justifiable exception to it.

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How would people these days react if they saw Adolf Hitler standing on the white cliffs of Dover?


My guess is that he would be offered a free council home, given lots of taxpayers money, it would be impossible to deport him due to his human rights and liking for killing people (Hitler would be entitled to a right to life)

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