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UKIP Are The Party Of HATE!

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How would people these days react if they saw Adolf Hitler standing on the white cliffs of Dover?


My guess is that he would be offered a free council home, given lots of taxpayers money, it would be impossible to deport him due to his human rights and liking for killing people (Hitler would be entitled to a right to life)


Did you read what I posted about the deportation of Abu Hamza?

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Originally Posted by Rampent


Look at the poll results for the Ukippers. Pushing the Tory scum down the ladder.


You sound like the party of hatred.


Do you think Rampent is a misspelling of Rampton?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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Do you think UKIP would support that point of view or consider it an embarrassment and distance themselves from you about as far as they possibly could?




Moot point really..UKIP wouldn't be around and this free to use type medium thingy we're debating with wouldn't be available...unless you had very Blue eyes and were partial to lederhosen attire.

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Do you think Rampent is a misspelling of Rampton?



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android




---------- Post added 16-03-2013 at 13:23 ----------


Moot point really..UKIP wouldn't be around and this free to use type medium thingy we're debating with wouldn't be available...unless you had very Blue eyes and were partial to lederhosen attire.


Who would have thought such a camp looking individual could have stirred up so much trouble.

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Moot point really..UKIP wouldn't be around and this free to use type medium thingy we're debating with wouldn't be available...unless you had very Blue eyes and were partial to lederhosen attire.


Good point.


I was rather hoping that px200 may give some thought as to why he/she voted for a party who would run a mile from his/her views.

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Scrapping human rights legislation is also a pretty odd way to show respect for the human rights of others wouldn't you say?


thats a bit rich coming from init :suspect:you start a tit for tat on the other thread then press the report button when you get some of your own back ,did someone say freedom of speech:hihi:

The human rights act is not fit for purpose. Why? For one reason.

1. It is simply a normal law like any other and can be repealed with a simple majority. A true HRA would act like a constitution- ie that it cannot be repealed easily.

There are a few other minor complaints- the rights in it can be a bit too vague or legalesy at points. What does a right to 'family life' actually mean for example. And there are too many exceptions and clauses in the original european declaration that this is based on.


---------- Post added 16-03-2013 at 14:37 ----------


The scrapping of the human rights is nothing to do with deporting so called terrorists nor the EU.

If the government were committed to deporting proven terrorists they would do it regardless.


As in the USA the scrapping of Human rights is about being able to control your own citizens without legal recourse.


The American Patriot Act and the Uk Anti terror Laws are similar in that they allow indefinite detention without charge or without recourse to legal services for any event the government consider against "National Security"


The anti terror laws already allow the detention of known terrorists and the scrapping of the Human rights acts will merely allow the government to extend these laws to the rest of the population. The human rights act is the basis of our democracy and our right to live our lives without state interference.

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thats a bit rich coming from init :suspect:you start a tit for tat on the other thread then press the report button when you get some of your own back ,did someone say freedom of speech:hihi:


What makes you think that the right to freedom of speech entitles you to call people names on a forum that specifically forbids it in its rules?


The human rights act is not fit for purpose. Why? For one reason.

1. It is suimply a normal law like any other and can be repealed with a simple majority. A true HRA would act like a constitution- ie that it cannot be repealed easily.


Does that mean that all UK legislation is unfit for purpose because 'it can be repealed with a simple majority'?


Are you seriously suggesting that it is not fit for purpose because it can be dispensed with so lets dispense with it?


There are a few other minor complaints- the rights in it can be a bit too vague or legalesy at points. What does a right to 'family life' actually mean for example.


Have you read it or tried to find out?


It took about 3 seconds to find these -





Do you complain equally about legalese in other legislation? Should we declare the Children Act unfit for purpose because some people find the language confusing? How about legislation relating to crime?


And there are too many exceptions and clauses in the original european declaration that this is based on.


Such as?

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I visit a few relatives there weekly. Why do you ask?


I think Ousetunes is trying to work out where his unusual name comes from.I think it is a corruption of Austerlitztoons,where Napoleon got one over the Prussians,Russians and Austrians.

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I think Ousetunes is trying to work out where his unusual name comes from.I think it is a corruption of Austerlitztoons,where Napoleon got one over the Prussians,Russians and Austrians.


I agree! I still can't get my head around his Smiths fanboy status. The Moz hates Tories.

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