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Do you know of a company that has the initials SSG on their white vans

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if it was a SSG cash van it's unsuprising they didn't stop and expose themselves and their cargo to the risk of being robbed - the brief stop may well have been so they could note the VRN of the vehicle they hit.


it is a statutory defence to report a damage only accident to a police station within ?24 hours.


if it's not a SSG cash van then it's likely a hit and run

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sunwin security group, SSG and SSG Security Group are all one and the same.


was the COOP`s in house security supplier, now split into cash handling, facilities management and electronics.


Spot on I've done some work at Co-ops and SSG vans, or more correctly, their drivers put the new tills and other electronic stuff in. This is quite an old thread and probably sorted by now.

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