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Paedophilia is a illness

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All of the people who are so certain that it is not an illness, would you accept that it is a psychological disorder?


I don't accept you trying to say the raping of an infant for instance is an illness like the common cold is an illness .

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So are you telling me that a child who has been abused, raped and molested isn't in some way damaged?


And you would hang that damaged individual if/when they repeated the abuse against someone else in later life?


You are seeing things too much in black and white. Gary Glitter is a paedo and a perv and should be locked up for life, the same as Jonathon Ross. They were never abused but they see their predilections as something that isn't wrong, isn't abuse and is something society doesn't recognise.


That is a totally different kettle of fish to someone who was raped, abused and damaged as a child who then goes and repeats those acts.


OK, the end result may well be the same but the psychology and reasoning of the perpetrator are different.




I think you might want to change that to Jonathan King.

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I think the comments so far largely indicate that people cannot express a rational viewpoint,and think in highly simplistic modes.I think the issue is complex and met addressed with both custodial and psychiatric measures.A lot of rather ignorant people claim to have solution(of sorts).

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I think the comments so far largely indicate that people cannot express a rational viewpoint,and think in highly simplistic modes.I think the issue is complex and met addressed with both custodial and psychiatric measures.A lot of rather ignorant people claim to have solution(of sorts).


Well maybe they feel inadequate with an adult female/male, maybe they find children easier on the eye - they are still breaking the law and are a danger to children

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