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Unsolved Mysteries

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It's more of a mystery when you consider how many commercial flights go through it every day (there are lots), completely unhindered.


Very true.


Its also amazing how many disappearances were accredited to it when they were well outside the so called triangle. It another myth that has already been debunked despite what the reality paranormal program Destination Truth says.


People need to separate programs written, produce by entertainers that are designed to entertain from the actual facts.

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Go on then - I'm bored. As others have already pointed out, most of these aren't unsolved mysteries. There are perfectly rational explanations for them.


Alcatraz Island


Supposedly escape proof but nobody has ever found Frank Morris, John Anglin, and Clarence Anglin and has cemented legend ever since.


They did manage to break out and get off the island, but most likely drowned soon after.


Crop Circles


From original founder and former government advisor Colin Andrews, not all can be attributed to humans, a mystery of consciousness.


Which ones can't be attributed to humans? I thought they all could given enough resources and planning.


Nazca Lines


How could ancient lines created centuries ago in Peru be made with such precision and scale they would be hard to replicate even today.


The Nazca lines are most certainly man made. If the Romans could build a Roman Road as straight as a pencil for miles and miles, so too could the ancient Nazca people to create so called 'runways' and animal pictographs.


D. B. Cooper


D. B. Cooper is a media epithet popularly used to refer to an unidentified man who hijacked a Boeing 727 aircraft in the airspace between Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington on November 24, 1971, extorted $200,000 in ransom, and parachuted to an uncertain fate never to be seen again.


I think the only mystery here is who was 'DB Cooper'. Most likely he died soon after leaving the aircraft.


9/11 Attacks


Controversial but supposedly done by Al-Qaeda with hijacked planes hitting the Twin Towers, Pentagon and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania and a strangely evacuated Building 7 that demolished all by itself and was blamed by the attacks, weird. But the Twin Towers fell very much like a planned demolition in precision imploding fashion hence a lot more went off that day we will never ever know.


The 9/11 attacks were definitely planned and executed by Al-Qaeda. WTC7 collapsed due to the destruction of WTC towers 1&2. WTC1&2 both collapsed as a direct result of the airplane strikes and the unconventional design of both towers leading to structural failure.


John F. Kennedy


Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald was charged with the crime, but he was shot and killed by Jack Ruby two days later, before a trial could take place meaning that something very fishy was going on back then, very fishy indeed.


I think this is one event where all the facts are still not known in full detail. The Warren Commission concluded that Oswald acted alone and that JFK was hit with a bullet which had an impossible trajectory (aka the magic bullet theory). Clearly the 'magic bullet' part of the report is improbable. The US House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations in the 1970s actually concluded that JFK was 'probably killed as a result of a conspiracy'.


Moon Landings


According to the United States, Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon, on 20 July 1969 though most believe it was just a film studio and it was faked.


The Apollo moon landings were 100% real. There are modern pictures of all six landers sitting on the surface of the moon. The Apollo astronauts collected many samples of moon rock, which have been analysed. The retroflectors, which are used to reflect Earth based lasers, are also still on the surface of the moon.


Third Party Evidence of Apollo Lunar Landings


Ark of the Covenant


Made famous by Raiders of the Lost Ark, a supernatural object that is supposedly hidden somewhere but nobody knows its location.


The only mystery here is what happened to it. The last reference to it in the Old Testament mentions that it got taken to Babylon as spoils of war. Most likely that it was destroyed. There is a church in Axum, Ethiopia that claims it has the true Ark of the Covenant. The only problem is that no-one is allowed to see it except the high priest of the church. Very convenient. Then again, people thought that the remains of Richard III had been lost in time and would never be found - until they turned up last year hiding under a council car park in Leicester. :hihi:


If you want to check out some real unsolved mysteries, have a look at these:


List of Unsolved Problems in Biology

List of Unsolved Problems in Chemistry

List of Unsolved Problems in Physics

List of Unsolved Problems in Mathematics


Some of my favorites are . . .


What is the future of the universe (Big Freeze, Big Crunch etc)?

What is the nature of dark matter / dark energy?

Is there a theory of everything?

Why is gravity such a weak force?

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Crop circles are done by the farmers aren't they to spook everyone and make you think it is something more or because they are bored ha ha that is what I have alway's believed??. What about life forms on other planets or aliens?? martians objects people being abducted and such like?? cue The X - Files theme tune mmmmmmmm David Duchovny anyway back on topic lol. :);)

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