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Are UKIP just drunken Tories?

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You know what it's like, you're A Tory chatting with like minded friends and colleagues talking about Europe and Gays and Blacks and Immigrants and you are trying to be Corporate and toeing the party line but at about 11.30pm you suddenly turn round and say " Do you know what, I hate poofters and blacks and immigrants and disabled poor people......I'm going to join UKIP"


"After a couple of pints, a lot of Conservatives are UKIP."


Apparently that's a new phrase in Tory circles.

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You know what it's like, you're A Tory chatting with like minded friends and colleagues talking about Europe and Gays and Blacks and Immigrants and you are trying to be Corporate and toeing the party line but at about 11.30pm you suddenly turn round and say " Do you know what, I hate poofters and blacks and immigrants and disabled poor people......I'm going to join UKIP"


"After a couple of pints, a lot of Conservatives are UKIP."


Apparently that's a new phrase in Tory circles.


Yes. And Yes. Ukippers in base mode are the 'chattering racist Daily Fail peeps'. But, many morons support this view.

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The OP is another person worried by the rise of UKIP, hence the mud slinging and misrepresentation (there is no mention of "poofters, blacks, immigrants, disabled or poor people" in the link).


Lots of people on here are very quick at the moment to type away what they think UKIP is all about. They accuse UKIP supporters of not knowing what UKIP is about, but it appears those that deride UKIP know even less judging by their posts.

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